I Hate Luv Storys
I Hate Luv Storys
| 30 June 2010 (USA)
I Hate Luv Storys Trailers

Simran loves love stories, with her ideal job and perfect boyfriend, she lives a blissful and dreamy life. However, things are rudely interrupted by Jay's cynicism on sentimentality.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
nikz-67100 I recently completed a re-run binge of How I Met Your Mother. Then, I gave this flick a watch. It was like deja vu.The screenwriters basically took most of the jokes from the 9 season run series, translated them into Hindi and voila - all the "modern"jokes in I Hate Luv Storys. From the "Hot - Crazy Scale", to Barney's antics with the playbook: This movie copies them all and is not really all that subtle about it. The cliched dialogues and rehashed punchlines was one of my major grimes with this movie.The acting in the movie is pretty average, even by the low standards set for both, fairly new actors. Sonam Kapoor does a decent job and adds some realism to some scenes. Imran Khan on the other hand delivers a stiff performance and makes his character hard to find charming in any sort of way. All his scenes come off just shy of being cringe-worthy. Although in all fairness, his character lacks any edginess or charisma sp there is little he could do to bring it to life anyway.The soundtrack was decent, although the frequent dance numbers did throw off the pace of the movie a bit.All in all, there isn't anything groundbreaking to be found here."I Hate Luv Storys" had a lot of potential that, unfortunately, didn't translate to a good movie on screen. If you've got a few hours to kill, I'd check this out. If you're someone who can't stand half-assed, plagiarized dialogues, I'd stay away from this one.
Whatthehellison I did not only love this but this is actually my 4th favourite movie of all time. I don't understand the hate surrounding this movie. It is a typical bollywood Film with a love story which maybe typical but unique in its own way. The only reasons i can identify are those viewers are not used to bolly movies or they expected to see something else or whatever. Leave it. It is among my all time favourite movies not only because it had superb story dialogues acting and songs but also cause it carries with it some amazing memories of my life. Sonam is in a relationship with a typical nice guy Raj. But suddenly she meets the unpredictable and charismatic Jay who does not believe in love or love stories. Usually what a girl will do, Sonam falls head over hill in love with the unpredicabity and charisma of Jay . And Jay pretty much become shocked after hearing Sonam's love confession. The story goes on like this. It has many funny moments . The chemistry between Imran and Sonam is absolutely fantastic and i bet the people who liked this movie would love to see them starring together again. You'll simply love the songs and lyrics. The dialogues are too awesome. The end of the movie could have been done in a better way. I admit it was done a bit hastily and there were a bit flaws . The storywriter and director could have put some more thought into that part. But many great films has its own flaws and its an amazing movie. I recommend anyone to see the movie who is in love , was in love and who believe in love stories. Don't fall for the title I Hate Love Storys. Its actually an amazing Love Story .
tinygreenmunkey Note to Self - Do not watch movies that cannot spell their own titles.What's that? That was intentional? Note to Self - Do not watch movies that intentionally spell their titles incorrectly to attract the vast plethora of chat-lingo-afflicted-pseudo-cool-GenXYZ target audience.I was hoping this would at least be funny, cause from the looks of the trailers and the obvious dig at the title it was going to surprise us all into being a love story. This was neither funny and lets not go into the love story. I have no clue why the two leads fall in love.J (as he prefers to be called) is habitually late, fudges up nearly all the tasks asked of him, talks loudly to strangers in movie halls, doesn't answer calls from his mother, interferes in other peoples lives by offering them his do-anna, sleeps around, wears "funky" tee-shirts, has a cool hair-do... oh wait, the last two bits would instantly negate all the other bits.Simran-ji is a girls girl, she likes pink, and flowers and eats ice-cream directly from the tub, knows she has a pretty smile so she smiles all the friggin time, strings along her childhood sweetheart and then dumps him cause he kept sending her white flowers while all the time she wanted red roses... oh wait, have I done this before? So we have two cardboard cut-outs from previous movies that the film-makers slapped on new faces to. NONE of J's lines were funny. In fact they were so un-funny they were painful to watch. As was Imran's attempt at being a misunderstood-but-lovable-jerk. Your uncle is lovable. You have miles to go son. Sonam had the easier bits. She was required to show up for shoots and she did. Rest everything her smile took care of. Flash here, flash there, tone it down here, PACK UP! As a spoof on all the love stories that Bollywood consistently churns out day in and day out, this was an epic fail. Nearly all the characters were clichés, from that fat-best-friend who wasn't that smart or that funny and couldn't get skinnier chicks so he of course ends up with an equally fat chick to the hip mother who doles out really bad romantic advice over the phone, the artsy-fartsy director who was asked to act like a girl on her 5th period of that month... you get the drift? I gave it 2 stars- for the bespectacled guy who seemed the only sane and likable person in this bore-fest.
firefly-serenity Although KJ seemed to have tried very hard to deliver another memorable love story, 'I Hate Luv Storys' fell short of expectations. First half of the story was entertaining and medium funny with occasionally original humor. But just when you were thinking may be, just may be this movie would be any different from the score of other mushy films, the story falls into clichéd and often boring routine and becomes completely predictable. Director could not deliver a good mix of practicality with romance as you would expect. The best part of the movie was the music score. the title song especially was very good. Acting of the cast was OK. Heroin was gorgeous, and even hero was beautiful!The film has KJ's usual colorful and rich sets and all the masala of a bollywood film. If you are the kind who enjoys any bollywood movie for its drama and flair go ahead and watch, you are sure to have at least some fun. Other than the this movie is no gain.