I Dream Too Much
I Dream Too Much
| 21 June 2016 (USA)
I Dream Too Much Trailers

Dora Welles is an imaginative college grad ready to experience all the excitement of life. Instead she finds herself in snowy upstate New York caring for her reclusive great aunt (who has lived a much more exciting life than anyone realizes).

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Bryan Kluger It's not too often that we see a "coming-of-age" film that features an almost all female cast. Usually, the coming-of age movies center around boys or young men. If and when women are the center focus, it usually involves some sort of relationship or romance with a guy. Refreshingly and fortunate for us, Texas filmmaker Katie Cokinos flips the genre on its ear with 'I Dream Too Much', which focuses on a college-bound young woman who discovers herself, while staying with her great aunt in upstate New York.The film is lighthearted and easy going, with almost nothing at stake, but the dialogue between the college girl Dora (Eden Brolin) and her aunt Vera (Diane Ladd) is quite charming and fun. It worked for 'Gilmore Girls' and works here too. Cokinos puts the romance/relationship/drugs on the back burner here, and instead tells a story of Dora, who would rather be with her friends in Brazil before college, rather than have her overbearing mother force her into law school and to ace the LSAT. To escape the hell, Dora arranges an extended stay with her great aunt Vera (Ladd), who has just suffered a broken foot and needs help around the house.I wouldn't go as far as to say Vera and Dora hit it off very well. In fact, Vera is as cold as the bitter New York exterior at first, but it makes for some witty and funny dialogue between the two. Soon, Dora fins a few letters and diaries from Vera's famous literary uncle who has passed, as Dora begins to spark some new life into her creative mind and soul. She even has visions and dreams in the style of Jane Austen from time to time, which this movie has a ton of references too as well. It's quite a charming film with some fun characters and decent dialogue.There are some musical and funny moments when Dora meets Abbey (Danielle Brooks), who works at the local clothing boutique, and who wants to become a famous singer and get discovered by the big time music producer who lives in town. All these characters in their own way help Dora find her creative and expressive self, and it's a joy to watch, despite that there's just not a whole lot that happens, besides some great character transformations and development, along with some solid, witty dialogue.Eden Brolin is a newcomer to the film world and she delivers a wonderful performance. She's as cute as she is witty, and portrays a very realistic and likable young woman, trying to figure it all out. She's one to watch out for in the coming months. Diane Ladd is of course amazing here and shows that she still has that incredible talent that she's shown us for years now. 'I Dream Too Much' is a solid film that's easy to take in.RECOMMENDED!
MartinHafer "I Dream Too Much" is a film that impressed me because of the acting...and that's probably reason enough to make the film worth seeing for some of you. Diane Ladd might not be a name you recognize, though it's very likely you've seen her in films or television over the years. Now at 80, I can only say that her acting is like a fine wine...it's improving with age.The film is about a rather odd college graduate who is ambivalent about applying to law school. Law school is really her mother's dream...and Dora (Eden Brolin) is much more of a dreamer and wants to experience life before considering doing anything as mundane as graduate school. But her mother is insistent...and Dora seems to feel that she might as well do as her mother wants without arguing. However, when Dora ends up going to spend time taking care of her injured Great Aunt Vera (Ladd), he plans and her outlook for the future end up changing significantly.While Eden Brolin is quite likable in the lead, I was a bit disappointed in some aspects of the character she portrayed. At times, it was very easy for me to dislike Dora...especially when she gave out her Great Aunt's private diaries for others to read...and without telling Vera! This and a couple other thoughtless moments made it hard for me to love the film...a serious problem with the script. Still, with acting this good, it's not a film I want folks to neglect. It was nice to see how Brolin did in her first starring role and I can only assume she's learned a bit from her father, Josh, and her grandfather, James Brolin.But the real star of the film was definitely Ladd. While she was a supporting character, she dominated all the scenes in which she appeared. She made her lines seem less like an actress reading a script and more like her actually being Great Aunt Vera. She was simply amazing to watch.
englishkam Dora (Eden Brolin) wishes she were somewhere else, but ends up right where she needs to be. Great Aunt Vera (Diane Ladd) pines for the love of her life, but finds new hope with family and friends. Abbey (Danielle Brooks) owns a shop, but finds her lifelong dreams are within her reach. Everyone dreams too much...but is that a bad thing? This film is a lighthearted romp through the post-college, what-do-I-do-with-my-life malaise shared by most artists and thinkers. There's authentic dialogue, and the characters are real people.With a stellar cast, breathtaking cinematography, great characters, and one-liners that elicit real laughs--this is a must-view for everyone!
glynn-66069 I had the privilege of attending the premier at SXSW in Austin and even had the chance to meet some of the cast members. Not an action-packed film by all means, but a poetic and intellectual story with added levels of complexity true to the relationships of women. They empower one another in different ways to help each other achieve their own dreams. At the same time, they also help each other through dark times which brought out the best in themselves. Crisp and white winter sceneries brought a sense of peace and serenity throughout the film. Veteran Diane Ladd's performance was outstanding with several up and coming actresses to look out for!