| 05 May 1995 (USA)
I.D. Trailers

Four policemen go undercover and infiltrate a gang of football hooligans hoping to route out their leaders. For one of the four, the line between 'job' and 'yob' becomes more unclear as time passes . . .

GazerRise Fantastic!
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Daniel Christopher This film is so very British.Its loosely about football and fundamentally about violence.Except it isn't very violent. Well it is but it all seems harmless really, the're all good boys deep down. Look at the way they look after Gumbo. He can't even carry a tray of beers bless him. The "scary" landlord speaks like yoda, which i think is a masterstroke. Every pub needs a landlord who threatens punters in yodaspeak.It somehow manages to show a dark underbelly of society where you could take your Nan for tea and biscuits. We all know she'd love the rock.That, I think, is what makes it so wonderfully British. Love this film.Don't miss 8/10
lofidan Unintentionally hilarious..This was about as well written, violent and emotional as an episode of Grange Hill and only slightly less realistic than Green Street Americans.. I mean Green Street HOOLIGANS - sorry.There is only so many mockney "YOU CAAAHHNTS" you can take.The scene with the two dyslexics was the only good bit.Dyslexic 1: Can you smell gas? Dyslexic 2: I can't even smell me own name, mate.That bit was genuinely well written and had gravitas.Actually tell a lie, the other good bit was when the woman went to the Chinese restaurant and got served chicken soup, but she wasn't satisfied with it so she call the waiter over. Then the waiter asked what was wrong and she said "this chicken is rubbery!" and then the waiter says "thank you very much". The humour in that scene arose from the fact that "rubbery" was interpreted by the waiter as "lovely", a clever play on words arising from the (maybe) myth that oriental people mix up there R's and L's.All in all, WORST FILM EVARRRR
ben-496 To be frank, everyone who I have shown this film to has loved it - it doesn't matter if you aren't into football, this is just a quality film as far as i am concerned. See how many faces you can spot in this. Maybe not big time names now but then that isn't the point - the atmosphere the film generates is superb. This isn't a Hollywood film but nor is it your typical Brit flick - no quirks here (apart from the character of Gumbo) but it does give a great account of what being at a football match is like but in a way that slightly romances football violence. In fact the violence takes a back seat to character progression and formation as the film progresses. I strongly believe the value of a ilm like this is so high because of the number of times I can watch it - surely the mark of a great film? There are only a few films that everyone has that they don't mind watching when they are considering watching one of their DVD's, and this is one that I have certainly got my money's worth from! I only wish I had watched this when it came out as I would have been even more impressed but I was put off by the cover and that the story concerned football.
tonymascaroni Nothing like the real thing, but still a decent film with quite a few funny moments. Warren Clarke steals the show as the almost Shakespearian pub landlord. John and Trev are a fine double act with Trev always landing John in it... (Possible spoilers) The ending puzzles me... all through the film Trev is getting John into hot water by opening his mouth... Everyone else I know who's seen it reckons John's gone mad, but isn't Trev doing what he's been doing all through the film? ...and how did he get to be a policeman if he can't read and write?