I Am a Sex Addict
I Am a Sex Addict
| 14 October 2005 (USA)
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Just moments before his third wedding, Zahedi relates with utter sincerity and astonishing candor his obsession with prostitutes. He retraces his romantic and sexual history, including his ideological commitment to open relationships, that led to two disastrous marriages and several very pissed off ex-girlfriends.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
aussie-20 An unleashed, nonstop documentation of one man's thinly veiled attempt to annoy every available woman and prostitute he can find the nerve to approach. His addiction is not so much to having sex with prostitutes, but to endlessly approaching them, pricing the act, and then saying "I'll have to think about it." Lather, rinse, repeat, with every opportunity taken to confess his every thought to his current girlfriend in the supposed interests of honesty and openness.The redeeming realism of the film crops up in a fairly straightforward reporting of the hideous effects of this behavior. Do not expect much fun from the sexual adventures - there's some fairly graphic content, but it's about as joyless as it comes.
rhodessara The thing that I believe people are missing here is that this isn't a movie, it's a documentary in which some scenes are recreated, it's his true story. Caveh is a human with extreme flaws and whether you love him or hate him: he is real. he has true thoughts, he bluntly states these thoughts which often turns out to complicate virtually everything, yes, some things are repetitive, but this is life! life is repetitive. every person has moments if you look back and see the mistakes you made and so does he. judging by other comments it's like people are watching this expecting there to be an obvious course in the plot, but there isn't in life or in this movie. the raw emotion that he expresses is about his sex addiction, he is merely stating how he felt at the time. he wants to convey this addiction and he does so in an open and though provoking way. i just feel as though everyone was expecting this to be like every other movie, but it's not off of a script, it's real life.
ametaphysicalshark This film chronicles director Zahedi's addiction to prostitutes over the course of many, many years, and presents an honest and realistic portrait of sexual compulsions and fetishes. Of interest as well are Zahedi's attempts to reconcile his oft violent sexual fantasies with his various attempts at healthy relationships. One has to wonder how true to life Zahedi's portraits of his relationships are, except maybe for his final relationship, but they make for an interesting depiction of dysfunctional and atypical 'romantic' relationships either way.The film's humor genuinely works. As many moving, sad, and let's be honest- pathetic moments there clearly were in Zahedi's life, he is able to portray them in a humorous self-deprecating light, which is testament to his talent as a filmmaker, because these events could very easily have made one of the most disturbing and real pure dramas put on film, but Zahedi's Allen-like psychological self-obsession comes across as endearing and funny. That's not to say the film's more dramatic moments, such as its beautiful, understated, ending don't work, because they do, but the film's quality is increased by the humorous contentThe film is obviously low-budget and essentially a mockumentary, so don't look for any great moments of technical film-making, but Zahedi is no bore and certainly a solid directo who knows how to pace a film. A lot of people have a problem with Zahedi's behavior towards women, but it appears that by the end of the film he is happy and content in a healthy relationship. Caveh Zahedi's "I Am a Sex Addict" is far from a perfect film, but it's honest, entertaining, unique, well-made, and worth your time.8/10
slake09 Do documentaries or mockumentaries get any worse than this? If you've read the other reviews then you know the focus: a self-involved film maker wants to introduce you to his sexual habits.Unfortunately, his sexual habits aren't very interesting or original or even entertaining. There isn't much sex on display here, just a lot of talk about sex, and you've heard it before. He does a lot of agonizing about his relationships, and possibly doesn't know himself that he just comes off as a fool. Not in a funny way, either, but in that way where you're glad he doesn't live near you, or isn't involved with anyone you know.Mainly it's a self-indulgent documentary about his past sexual relationships with nothing interesting to carry it. An extended version of the average high schooler telling you about how he scored with the cheerleader. You won't believe it here, either.
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