Hungry for Change
Hungry for Change
| 21 March 2012 (USA)
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We all want more energy, an ideal body and beautiful younger looking skin... So what is stopping us from getting this? Introducing 'Hungry For Change', the latest 'Food Matters' film. 'Hungry For Change' exposes shocking secrets the diet, weightloss and food industry don't want you to know about. Deceptive strategies designed to keep you craving more and more. Could the foods we are eating actually be keeping us stuck in the diet trap?

Alicia I love this movie so much
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
lucaskell The fundamental basis of this film was to attack the food industry, and while there's plenty of things that were accurate in how the industry conducts itself, it went off the rails far too many times to be worthy of watching. A lot of the things they tried to push were based on flawed science of no science at all, as if the need to attack the food outweighed the need for accuracy, which is bad for a documentary.One standout point for me was on the subject of MSG. They spoke about how it increased obesity, pointing out how it increased obesity in mice. However if you look at the research they themselves point you to, they injected - not fed - mice with so much MSG it would be the equivalent of injecting a 140lb human with a minimum 44 teaspoons of pure MSG. Hardly a balanced comparison.I think it had a good intention, but the way it was approached was far to opinionated, and unfortunately I think that will come across to many viewers and put them off of the good points made.
Bailey Wood I'm going to put it like this. i love my fast food and fatty convenience packaged meals. fruit and veg, never touch them. I was so inspired at one hour in, that i paused the video and ended up eating a bowl overloaded with raw veges and fruit.through the beginning I did find it to be dis-interesting. and nearly turned it off. i'm just pleased i stuck it out.the overall message is clear and the point does come across. at times some of the info does seem to be directive at putting down major corporations. and at times a little far fetched. but as i watched i did sift through an take away the vital points i see as worth. which have been of an unparalleled value to me.
chimarrao-mate The advice in this documentary is sound advice. Every well known Nutritionist, Sports Model, World Famous Strength Coach, etc. would agree with everything this movie will teach you. I've been living like this 90% of the time for three years, and my health and fitness results have been outstanding.As an add-on to this film, I recommend you also read "The Paleo Diet for Athletes" by Loren Cordain and Joe Friel. When I made the change, I was already in great health, and so I thought. I was having a difficult time getting below 10% BF without loosing all my hard earned muscle mass. Within six weeks, I dropped to 6% BF and gained 2 lbs. of muscle mass. I used bi-weekly visits to the U of U's athletic department to take measurements in their state of the art Bod Pod. On this diet you can maintain a six pack 365 days a year and still gain muscle mass. I know because I have for two years.
melinda2001 Two stars for some good basic information in the beginning, zero for the rest. Truthfully I didn't even get to the part about juicing. My BS meter also went off in the middle part about the dangers of MSG so I just stopped and did some digging. The only thing I have to add to the conversation is the result of my brush-up on that topic. I'm glad that I did because I had always heard that MSG is bad but didn't know any details. I thought it was a sort of super-salt. In fact it *is* a salt. It's the sodium salt of glutamate. (Thanks to kmtroy for pointing out it's not the same as guanine.) Turns out that compared with table salt it's basically benign. Both are flavor enhancers. The main difference is that the LD50 of MSG is five times that of table salt which means that it takes five times as much MSG to kill a rat than table salt.What surprised me was both the absurd amounts they gave to baby mice. My back-of-the-envelope guestimate says it would be roughly the same as injecting a 150 pound person with almost half a pound of MSG. Imagine being injected with half a pound of table salt! This does seem to cause a lot of obesity in mice so there is a grain of truth there. I'm just surprised those doses didn't kill all of them.Studies on people don't seem to indicate any real problems with the stuff. (Might it have something to do with the crappy foods that get loaded up with MSG? Nah.) Double blind tests on people taking capsules of the stuff didn't show any problems. The part I liked best was one study where one participant who self-described as being highly sensitive to MSG handled it just fine but claimed a reaction to the placebo.Watch out too about Jon Gabriel, the guy trying to paint MSG as poison. Turns out he's not any sort of scientist. He's just a guy out there selling yet another diet book. So I'm not surprised to hear that the movie ends as an infomercial for a juicer. Personally, I'd rather eat all the healthy fruit and stuff than drink their juice. I'm definitely glad that I learned to not fear MSG.