Howling: New Moon Rising
Howling: New Moon Rising
R | 17 October 1995 (USA)
Howling: New Moon Rising Trailers

Gary Brandner's horror novels come to life again in this direct-to-video sequel to "The Howling." A number of vicious murders occur in a small California town after a motorcycle-riding stranger arrives. The gruesome slayings look disturbingly like the work of a werewolf. Meanwhile, in another nearby town, police are hot on the trail of a killer they believe is a werewolf. This is "Howling" with a country-western angle.

Wordiezett So much average
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
manisimmati The charismatic Australian Ted visits an American town and gets appointed as a barkeeper there. Ted seems to carry about a dark secret. When people randomly die in town he raises suspicion. Who is he really? And more importantly: Who cares?"Howling VII" a. k. a. "Howling: New Moon Rising" is where the Howling series finally hit rock bottom. It's a spectacularly bad movie made by Clive Turner, who was part of the Howling crew since "Howling IV". In this one, he's the director, the screenwriter AND the leading actor. Oh boy. This is one of those passionate and "artistic" ego projects, isn't it? Turner tries to connect the previous Howling sequels with each other, which of course is a hopeless task. At least we get to see some clips from the other movies. Sadly, these are the most interesting parts in "Howling VII". The rest of the movie is just pointless, boring banter. Seriously, you could cut 90% of the dialogue, and it wouldn't change the story at all. The actors aren't even actors. They're just some dudes hanging around town, drinking, making stupid jokes, line dancing and singing sappy country songs. My God, what was Turner thinking? This barely even qualifies as a movie. This is so inept, it's almost adorable. Oh, and there's supposed to be a werewolf in this? Unfortunately, there are only ruddled werewolf POV shots. You're lucky if you're able to see anything. An ingenious avant-garde move by Turner - or, you know, just cheap filmmaking. At the grand finale, we finally see the werewolf. It's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen. The transformation scene is as hilariously bad as it gets.Truly, this is a trash movie for the ages and a fitting conclusion to the Howling series: boring, awkward and completely mindless. Avoid. Unless you're into really, really, really bad movies.
Steven L. I have watched so many bad movies over my lifetime - on purpose, and just for kicks. I loved how Richard O'Brien parodied old B Grade sci-fi/horror films of the 1950's with the Rocky Horror Show. I loved Mystery Science Theatre 3000. I even loved Plan 9 From Outer Space and some of Ed Wood's other trash films; as well as Andy Warhol's and John Waters. All good stuff.One day I knew that this would lead me to find something close to the worst movie ever made. Well guys, this is it. This "Howling sequel" involves approximately 90 minutes of rednecks standing around talking, then line dancing, then standing around and talking, then some more line dancing. About 3 - 4 times during this "film" some extra wearing a really bad bear suit steps out of a line of trees at the edge of the woods and then back in again. I'm not kidding.Hats' off to you "Howling: New Moon Rising", you are the worst of the worst that perfectly good celluloid has ever been wasted on... by far.
Sarkax Well, many people say to movies that "It's the worst they ever seen" but believe you me when I say that this is really the worst movie I've ever seen. It's not even funny bad, just plain awful.Plot? - I don't really know, is there? Werewolfs? - One in the last 20 seconds of the movie.Blood n Gore? - Naah,nothing good. Nothing at all in fact.Chills? - Yeah, realizing it's a real film and not just a joke.Dancing Hillbillies? - Yes, for about 90 minutes of the movie.This is so bad that it makes me cry out for justice. Never again should we have to watch a godforsaken awful movie like this. No further comments
biemfelt Truly awful :) So much so it's good - so maybe it should get a 5? Being a bit of a werewolf movie fan I did the Pokemon thing with The Howling and got the lot - all seven. Not only is this one definitely the worst of the bunch (forget all those Howling II comments!), it's the very worst werewolf movie ever - for SO many reasons! I love it! First off, the opening shots over the credits, the director can't direct, the cameraman can't frame the shots, the cutting room have no idea how to cut - it really does set the tone of the whole movie. The dialogue needs to be heard to be believed, especially the conversation in the bar about various ailments - seriously, you need to stick with this film. NOBODY can act, the script is awful, the characters are either characterLESS, wooden, or if you're feeling generous, quirky to a man / woman - check out the old bar owners. It gets better...the whole thing is set to a surreal Country and Western soundtrack, with plenty of line-dancing, yes, line dancing. The pace is pedestrian throughout, there's no tension, the plot simply isn't a plot. They use this 'wolf's eye filter thing' for kill shots (not that there's many of them) and the transformation scene is amazing! Take a photo of a person and another of some monkey creature that looks as much like a werewolf as the creature from the black lagoon, then get the cheapest freeware morph package you can find on 'Google' and you'll get the idea. I swear the background morphs into bits of the werewolf too. I warn you, watching this is an endurance exercise - a test of YOUR character - can you sit through it all WITHOUT fast-forwarding any of it (I couldn't... but then I'm no fan of Country Music). If you love werewolf movies, you MUST watch this - it sets the baseline against which to measure everything else. If you like vampire movies too and have seen Ankle Biters, Howling VII is a similar experience. Oh and did I mention the weird preacher that looks like Abe Lincolyn without his top hat and the sheriff in the white suit and that they flash back to chunks of the Howling IV and V and that the main guy is an Australian with a ponytail (Clive Turner), who is involved in one way or another in, yes you've guessed it, Howling IV and V? Now you'd have thought being an Ozzie he'd have been in in Howling III. Oh yes, this movie is special, sure nuff. Enjoy ;-)