How to Hook Up Your Home Theater
How to Hook Up Your Home Theater
G | 21 December 2007 (USA)

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Following in the great tradition of his classic "How To" animated shorts of the 1940's, Goofy makes his return to the big screen in "How to Hook Up Your Home Theater". When Goofy is desperate to watch the Big Game, he heads to his local electronics store to tackle every consumer's nightmare - selecting the perfect home theater system and worse, trying to hook it all up.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Horst in Translation ( "How to Hook Up Your Home Theater" is a 6.5-minute Annie Award nominated short film from almost 10 years ago. Many decades ago, they made quite a few of these Goofy "How to" short films, so this is a bit of back to the roots. Kevin Deters and Stevie Wermers wrote and directed this short film and if you pay good attention from start to finish, you will also see a little moment of homage to Walt Disney as this one here is a Disney produced film as well. I will not say too much about the story as the title pretty much gives it away. Goofy tries to get the perfect home theater system for watching sports events mostly. In the end, it is almost too real for him. I believe this is not on par with the best Goofy "How to" films, but still a worthy addition all in all and I recommend it. Apart from that, I've always liked Goofy. Thumbs up.
MartinHafer If only all the old Goofy cartoon shorts were this funny! This is a modern version of the old Walt Disney films that featured Goofy illustrating how to do something. Decades ago, Goofy starred in many films like this--including ones on driving or skiing. But this one's crazy sensibilities beat the old ones--like they infused the old cartoons with crack.The film consists of Goofy buying every possible expensive TV accessory--a screen as big as a movie theater's, DVD, Blueray and a zillion other expensive and not exactly necessary things. He buys them from what appears to be a Best Buy-type store and the whole thing is wildly confusing and strange. And, when it's all finished, Goofy is stuck with a zillion remote controls! Overall, fantastic animation quality, great writing and a zaniness that you will love--hopefully this is a sign of yet more to come.
dgtrkr things that has come out of the Disney animations studios in a LONG time, I'm sick of all the 3D stuff give me some good old looking animation (even if it was produced with 50% less paper), this is what Disney was built on, and what they do best. This is modern old school stuff, a great update of a classic. Awesome cartoon!!!!! I was pleasantly surprise when I sat down to see National Treasure 2, and there was a cartoon, I really expected one of the classics, I really thought they just cleaned up something from the vault until it started, then WOW! I think that Disney would be well suited to get back to their roots with this type of animation, and the story was one of the best of the old "How to..." with a great modern twist, I'd go back to see the movies, just to watch the cartoon again!
mrmedia-1 Walt Disney's Heaven-residing spirit must be VERY happy right now! For the most worthy successor to his genius for knowing what makes people happy, John Lasseter from Pixar, has started the ball rolling on bringing back the truly wonderful spirit of the classic Disney 2D animation of the '40s & '50s by releasing Disney's brand new "National Treasure" companion short "How To Hook Up Your Home Theater", starring Goofy! And this truly is Goofy as portrayed 60 years ago, and every little detail of his environment is true to his time.You must know I'm one who's life was made much happier by falling in love with everything Walt created. And I also remember comparisons written a few generations back comparing Disney cartoons with Warner Bros., and how most of them agreed how much better Bugs and all his gang were...and I agreed, mostly, except when it came to Donald and especially Goofy. Well, I'll swear on a Bible in a courtroom, whatEVER your cartoon preferences have been THIS one will have you almost literally rolling in the aisles! It made this 61 year-old tech geek applaud and get tears in his eyes(in public!) I was laughing so hard, and so often, while being entranced by this animated treasure! And best of all, this ode to guys and our love of new gadgets was directed by....a woman! No WONDER it works so well! So, as I like to say about entertainment I love: "If this doesn't get you laughing I'll bury ya myself!"