House of Purgatory
House of Purgatory
| 21 October 2016 (USA)
House of Purgatory Trailers

Four teenagers go looking for a legendary haunted house that gives you money back for every floor you can complete. Once finding it, they realize the house is much more terrifying than a normal Halloween attraction - the house knows each of their secrets and one by one uses them against the teens.

Micitype Pretty Good
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Leofwine_draca HOUSE OF PURGATORY is another predictably boring indie horror flick that feels like it mined the 1980s for inspiration. A vapid and cliched quartet of unlikeable teenage characters head off to a haunted house where they find themselves assailed by an evil presence in order to atone for their own sins. This is slow throughout and seemingly ad libbed, made without a single moment of horror - just the usual bad acting and poor production values leading to a disappointing climax.
dcarsonhagy I will have to say I'm a sucker for "haunted house" stories. I was zipping through the menu for On-Demand and found this entry into that genre. It seems an urban legend is being passed from town to town about a legendary haunted house that is SO scary, the managers will actually give YOU money back for each floor you complete! So, off go four friends (leaving a Halloween party) in search of this house. What they find is way more than what they bargained for.First--and foremost--I would like to compliment all involved with this film. They have proved that "cheap" doesn't have to mean awful. The viewer can easily tell this was made on a shoestring budget, BUT the direction, the makeup, and the writing push this attempt to the forefront. Each minor detail is "covered", i.e. if you're supposed to go up floors, why do you start the haunted house going down? Now, the reasons may not always be plausible, but we all know how horror movies work. I thought the acting was much better than average, especially with the caca usually attached to these films. The weakest character was the "skeleton" man (he just wasn't creepy or menacing enough for my tastes), but (thankfully) you do not see much of him. I recommend this effort. It certainly isn't going to win any Oscars, but this installment into the haunted house genre is leaps and bounds better than most. Rated "R" for brief violence and some naked backsides.
ncoleby I am very forgiving when it comes to bad horror films. I can forgive bad acting, bad monsters, bad camera work, as long as the story is interesting or if I can see that someone at least tried to put some effort into a film.At the start I thought that it may be cheesy but watchable. Half way through I thought, this is quite a bad plot i.e non existent but somehow kept watching because I was mildly amused and waited for some sense. Then the end came and my jaw fell open with confusion. You know the kind where the credits roll and you look around the room not knowing what just happened.Basically there is no plot as such. It's about something but it makes no sense. Imagine a 'scary' cartoon, in a 'scary' setting that just is what it is for absolutely no reason whatsoever and no meaning either.The end.
jackmeat My quick rating - 5,1/10. We have all heard the rumors of the haunted house that is 5 floors, and if you can make it through all 5 you get your money back. I am sure there are variations of this urban myth and this film revolves around 4 kids that go looking to conquer it. But instead of a typical haunted house they stumble into a house that uses your own secrets from inside to terrify you. A good premise of a movie and to some extent it is well done. Purposely unbelievable and summed up by the great line "i don't think this is a normal haunted house" LOL. The film is more of a psychological type of terror with each overcoming the fears they hide inside. Atypical acting and good use of minimal locations to make the atmosphere seem plausible. I admittedly did enjoy this for what it was, nothing flashy and could have gone a long way with a bit more put into it.