Halloween Night
Halloween Night
| 24 October 2006 (USA)
Halloween Night Trailers

A horribly burned man escapes from a mental institution and terrorizes teenagers at a party.

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
trashgang I have seen so many flicks coming out the hands of The Asylum and the latest were full of cheap CGI. Luckily, this one doesn't has any CGI. The effects used are done on-camera. So far so good, but there are still some problems. The story itself is a pure rip-off of Halloween (1978). A killer returns to town to do some killings on Halloween night. But just have a look toward the killer. He's a mixture between, Jason (Friday the 13th) and Michael (Halloween). But it's so easy to see that the burned face is just a mask. So on part of the make-up it's rather ridiculous. But what did surprise me for a Asylum flick is that it do has some gory shots with intestines being teared out and throats being sliced on-camera. Not only that, there is also a bit of juggs to see here and there and some lesbian love scenes. Some parts are boring and doesn't add a thing, others are word picking up. Not that bad at all for an Asylum flick.Gore 1/5 Nudity 1/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
TheLittleSongbird For The Asylum Halloween Night is not too bad, they have certainly done much worse. Even with that taken into account, Halloween Night is still not a good movie. There are some things that are done reasonably, some of the daylight scenes are shot nicely, the music is a good mix of jaunty and eerie, Scot Nery does bravely as the one character that we come close to rooting for and there are some gory and imaginative slasher death scenes(honourable mention must go to the hanger death which is just hilarious). There have been worse-looking movies from The Asylum, but the special effects are poorly rendered, the editing is sloppy for much of the movie and some scenes especially the first 10-15 minutes are really amateurishly shot. Chris Vale's make-up is appropriately hideous considering what happens to him, but he looks too much of a zombie and some have already said. The acting is pretty dire from almost everybody, Nery is the best of the lot but then we have Rebekah Kochan overacts her rather shallow character and Derek Osedach mumbles his way through his lines and not much else. The characters are exceedingly annoying and shallow with non-existent character development, the one exception is Chris Vale but he is not much different from similar characters from similar movies. The dialogue is dumb and just painful to listen to, making something like the worst Disney Channel movie seem like Casablanca comparatively. The story is even more of a problem, that it's mind-numbingly ridiculous, painfully predictable and deathly dull is one thing but we also have a complete lack of tension, thrills sense of horror/terror(mainly because of the characters' interactions and expressions being so blank) and suspense, situations and interactions are really contrived and implausible, and there is a heavy reliance on drawn-out done-to-death clichés that are marred even further by being played far too straight. The ending is inept in every way, and if you're finding it difficult to buy or swallow don't blame yourself, you won't be the only one. In conclusion, could have been worse but rather mediocre, not the terrifying story that the cover advertised. 4/10 Bethany Cox
Hunter Thomas Candelaria Today I was scrolling through Netflix and just simply just strolling through the categories when I finally came across this movie. I had read the description and though to myself "this is very similar to Halloween", but due to my curiosity I watched it and my prediction was right. The film takes a small kid who had watched his family be killed right in front of him and is later framed for doing so. Then years later we see Chris Vane (the kid) grown up in an insane asylum, and for some reason burnt up to a crisp looking like Sam Raimi's Darkman, he soon escapes and heads back to his home to kid a series of kids who are trying to throw a party. The film on its own is okay, it takes a story that has been done a thousand times (I have been guilty of doing so myself) and just puts in a new killer. Basically it Friday the 13th but you put Michael Myers in that series. The film has some creative kills and some scenes that could be stuck in your head for a while, but I feel that it just does a few scenes to clique and some shots that aren't exactly... Necessary (you know what I mean) and puts them into I have to say alright film. In my opinion its not bad and you should check it out.
Terminal Madness It's a blatant rip-off of "Halloween," that's obvious, but what's inside is a stock slasher flick that's terrible on its own merits. Immediately the desperation from the director and writer to keep the audiences attention is shown, as they feature a lesbian sex scene not ten minutes in for no reason whatsoever. But with Asylum this is basically par for the course. Even in a "serious" film like "9/11 Commission Report," they featured an obligatory sex scene. But that's only one problem with "Halloween Night." Invariably, you'll be left with a plethora of questions that will never really be answered. Why is Christopher on a killing spree? Why did he escape and where was he going? Why would he kill if he saw his mom brutally murdered? "Duh… he's insane." Nah, I don't buy it.Not to mention Gingold rips elements from previous slashers. Christopher doesn't kill a girl because she reminds him of his mom, his mask looks similar to Jason's, and the whole mental patient angle is very derivative of a certain film that drops on the same holiday. Gingold pads the film with plodding characterization, terrible dialogue, especially from the lead actor who performs the worst ad-libbing I've ever seen anywhere, and characters that I could give two shits about. It's as hard to list the endless flaws as it was to sit through this, but in the end "Halloween Night" is the result of monkeys on a typewriter who finished off "Halloween" hours before. Boo.In spite of my best attempted enthusiasm, I just couldn't muster the excitement in watching what I can safely consider one of the worst slasher movies ever made. Only from Asylum could that be accomplished.
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