Hot Rod
Hot Rod
NR | 25 May 1979 (USA)
Hot Rod Trailers

A freewheeling drag racer enters a local championship meet and finds himself head-to-head with the tyrannical town boss who has already arranged for his own son to win.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
slotcarman this is the most real drag race movie ever made!!!! unlike the new rice burner movies out now that lead everyone to believe that you 4 door rice burner can turn 10s in the 1/4 mile HAHAHAHAHA!!LOL ON THAT ONE.there is no substitute for cubic inches sorry!!!! hotrod was one of the only truthful depletions of what will happen if you install a high CID big block into you classic muscle car..."LOAD AND LOADS OF TORQ HP AND SPEED" not a farting sound like you hear in wall-marts parking lot on nay given afternoon.there is a reason the only car older rear wheel drive cars "MUSCLE CARS" the new cars don't make muscle!!! did you know auto makers change the way they rate hp every couple of years so they can falsely advertise the hp pf the new cars coming out!!!they stared doing the back in the early 1980s..why did they do this?? because of the garbage rice burners!! they have found that the general public is dumb and will believe anything!! its true check into it... so throw away the fake FTF movies and go with the real racing "HOT ROD" !!!!!!!!
dlajeunesse By far the best movie I have ever seen. I'm having a hard time remembering as I seen it many years back.This movie deserves to be shown again and I would love to see it released on DVD or any other type of video I could purchase. Does anyone know If a video exists?? Please let me know and how I could obtain a copy. True die hard Willy's coupe fan.This story is based on street racing, that has a great message for all. Racing should be a track event only and no one should race on public streets. The choice of cars was interesting. A Willy's coupe against local boys Oldsmobile 442.Very dramatic story line and a edge of your seat thriller. My hats off to everyone involved in the making of this movie.
racerx70 Dialog as banal as this makes several scenes more than a little cringe-worthy. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I saw this movie years ago as a rental and the guys I watched it with along with myself laughed quite a few times at some of the implausible things we saw, as well as the absolutely BAD dialog and cardboard cutout characters. As a matter of fact, we still use the "9/16ths" comment as part of our expressions at the track, mostly as a method of disrespect. Once things got to the dragstrip, however, "Hot Rod" was a bit more palatable. I enjoyed the rocket Funny Car making a pass down the track (rocket cars having been outlawed for nearly 20 years now), and some of the old school drag cars really gave a look into the late 70's drag scene. Being a drag racer myself, I appreciate the history. The story is standard TV movie fare (this was an ABC Friday Night Movie after all), and even after saying this, I still went and bought a copy on VHS. Should it be on DVD? Considering the dreck that's already on DVD ("reality" shows and the like), I'd vote for a DVD release. File this one as "so bad it's good".
JohnNkaryn Being a big fan of drag racing, i think this movie is deffinately the finest 1/4 mile drag movie of all time, the cars are phenominal and the track actions is the greatest especially being about vintage drag racing, also the music soundtrack couldnt be any better, overall just a great movie and i wish it would be available on dvd or vhs to purchase.