Hostage High
Hostage High
R | 19 May 1997 (USA)
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A former high school student, Jason Copeland, returns to his school to take his revenge on the teachers for failing him out of school.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
clwjlwsgn The movie was so good that i actually wrote to him. He actually wrote back. I found out a lot that was left out of the movie and some things that should have been left in. I ended up writing to him for 2 years. And am actually thinking about trying to write to him again. remember that the movies always add more or leave something out. And think about what you would do. NOT SAYING HE WAS RIGHT!!!!!! But let him tell you his side before he's not around to tell it anymore. He's still on death row. And if you wonder like I did at the end of the movie, write him and Ask him why like I did. You might be surprised like I was. Watch the movie with an open mind and take in every detail. Including the fact they changed the name of it. My copy is called Hostage High.
Xapora Powerful film, inspired by true events, takes us through a school hostage situation step by agonizing step.Deeply troubled Jason Copeland decides to go on a rampage at his former high school out of revenge for failing to be awarded his high school diploma. His life has been a mess ever since then and he blames one teacher in particular, Mr Kroft, whose classroom he enters first.The situation escalates and Jason winds up with 60 hostages and several casualties in his wake. Rick Schroder plays the part of Jason brilliantly as we witness his transition from crazed, gun-toting lunatic to a defeated and broken man. What happens in between is fascinating.Henry Winkler turns in a great performance as a dedicated (yet inexperienced) cop who finds himself thrust into the unenviable position of negotiating with Jason. Rick Schroder (who seems to have effortlessly made the transition from cute child star to credible adult actor), Freddie Prinze Jr (in one of his earlier roles) and the lovely, luminous and under-used actress Katie Wright all give fine performances they should be proud of.
Jack the Ripper1888 This is a good hostage film. It reminds me in a way of MASTERMINDS. It also could have been the inspiration for JOHN Q. This is one of the only teen hostage movies out there. Freddie Prinze, Jr. does an okay job of acting. It was one of his less famous roles. And Henry Winkler did a good job also.On one of the final days of school, Johnson High School is about to behold horror. A former student, Jason Copeland (Rick Schroder) is going to take the school hostage after he was flunked the year before. Through the courage of fellow students and hostage negotiator Skip Fine (Henry Winkler) this madman may just be stopped. The ending was a little sad. I have seen enough movies to realize that the cops never keep their promises. JOHN Q would be a good example. This is a emotionally involving film that endulges you with the remembrance of the Columbine killings a few years ago now. Actually, that may have been what stirred up the making of this film. Because this one was in production right about the same time the killings happened. What actually got me in the mood to watch this was hearing that stupid P.O.D. song "Youth of the Nation" on the radio. It is supposed to be in memory of the school shootings. The song actually talks more about the killings than it does memory of those who died. It sounds more like it is trying to get you in the mood to shoot up your school than it is trying to remember those who died. HOSTAGE HIGH is in a way like that also. It almost gets you in the mood to shoot up your school. Let's hope that no one crazy enough to do something like this ever sees this film. Because all of the hostage films that deal with cop corruption and hostage situations-- someone could actually create a fool-proof hostage situation because of these movies. These kinds of films are what create criminals. The earlier FRAILTY deals with a man who was supposedly visited by God and was told to kill people that were supposedly demons disguised as people. And I would bet anything that we will be seeing a number of killings using this same motive. Most motives are usually because profit, revenge, jealousy, or some other alternative. The song that I mentioned earlier talks about knowing why the kids shot the school up was because "We are the youth of the nation". And while I still like the song, what in the hell does being the youth of the nation have to do with shooting up your school? That is the kind of stupid s**t that bothers me. This film will give you some graphic insight to teen hostage situations and school shootings. See this one for any reason. HOSTAGE HIGH: 5/5.
turtlewax182 ***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** Some parts in this movie confused me... for one it was hard to believe that someone would be so deranged that they come back to their high school and try to kill the teachers who flunked them. But then again, I guess you could do anything if you are a psycho. Then I didn't understand why Jason (Rick Shroder) shot at the students? I mean why not just kill the teachers he came for, the students weren't even there and had nothing to do with him leaving school. And I felt there wasn't enough sub plots, like we didn't really deal with anyone's backgrounds besides Jason's, which only consisted of him failing and taking care of a sick mother and holding down numerous jobs. I felt besides Shroder and Winkler, the acting was pretty flat. I mean Rick is great as a paranoid amateur criminal (I say amateur because he took most of his demands from the students and didn't know what he was doing half the time). And the Fonze suprisingly plays a good cop. I have no idea how Freddie Prinze Jr got cast and he's horrible. What's worse is that you'd think since this was only his third film, he'd get better with time, but his movies are still disappointing and the characters are still one dimensional. The two characters played by Shroder and Winkler are really the only reasons to watch. Some parts were funny to me like how he wanted 15 pizzas as opposed to a plane or a bus, that made me laugh. At the end of the film, I actually felt bad for Jason, which I think was the point. I just couldn't not like someone who was confused and scared and played by such a great actor.