Horrible High Heels
Horrible High Heels
| 06 January 1996 (USA)
Horrible High Heels Trailers

Someone has been skinning dead bodies and using their hide to make shoes. All of a sudden, a shoe factory whose business has been on the low side for some time improves tremendously.

Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Patience Watson One of those movie experiences that is so good it makes you realize you've been grading everything else on a curve.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
newkfl When I saw "Horrible High Heels" I was completely blown away by what was playing on the television screen. The opening scene with the cow being gutted made me think of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. By the time the ending rolled around, the body count was so high from revenge that I Spit On Your Grave entered my head. It was a different movie for sure and if you want to being surprised at every turn, this would be the movie to check out. It really blew my mind!!! I wanted to thank the friend that lent it to me with the warning of not to eat any type of meat while watching "Horrible High Heels" but I did anyway. I was completely shocked by what I seen and will purchase it on DVD if I happen to run into it at some of the local video stores. It would be one of the movies to be shown to viewers with a high tolerance for pain, agony, violence, sex, nudity and death. What a rush!!!
vilegore This is a thoroughly perverse and gore addled category 3 film from Hong Kong. For those who don't know, category 3 basically means 'rated as containing nudity and/or hardcore violence', and if thats what your looking for, this totally incoherent film delivers. I'm not too sure if the lack of linear structure is down to bad subtitles, s****y cuts or a godard fetish or even an excess of drugs, but this does deliver on important scores of bezerk originality, up front nastiness, and frothing insanity. If you manage to track a copy of this increasingly rare film down you will see what i mean; human skin is turned into ladies leather shoes at a luckless shoe factory, a maniac does something very very odd with a duck and a photo of a co-worker, cute asian girls are hassled in pretty bizarre ways by the killer of the title....... Well its a sleazy piece of schlock. Its very good but make sure you've got a 6 pack and you aint expecting Kurosawa, if you get my drift. L8R
rustyangel13 Yup, you're probably wondering about the name. Nope, it's NOT a transvestite or homosexual film! It's more wacky fun from the "Body Horror" genre. Triple H (no, not the wrestler) is Category 3 at it's best (or worst, whichever the case may be). It's ingredients are: one part porn movie, one part Kung-Fu Theatre, one part cheezy B action flick, and one part TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE. Well, how can you go wrong with that, huh?! Basic storyline... a group of gangsta's help to supply a shoe store with a new fantastic line of special imported leather. The reason it's so special is because it's made from human skin! Anyone's a potential victim but they prefer young men and women. Softer and more elastic, I guess. If they catch ya, they'll kill ya, cut ya up, and skin ya for shoe leather. But not only that, there's scenes a-plenty of rape, murder, exploitation, and foul behavior that can only be seen as totally vile, totally loathsome, and just down right nasty. One in particular involves a picture of a woman's face with her mouth cut out taped to a live duck ass-end up. I'll let your imagination fill in the blanks of that story. And one thing I just couldn't quite understand, if you love someone, why would you want to urinate on them the first chance you get them alone? Like I said before, just plain nasty. Movies like this could give China a really bad name.
brianoblivion I actually bought--sight unseen--an obscure import DVD of this film, so my expectations might have been higher than those of someone just looking to rent. But in all honesty, I can't even recommend it for a low-priced rental.I was willing to settle for something only half as disturbing and well-crafted as The Untold Story or Dr. Lamb when I ordered this DVD. I'm addicted to being disturbed; that is to say, I have intense admiration for violence, cruelty, brutality, and gore in films. So if a film contains enough of these elements, I can forgive other shortcomings. Unfortunately, Horrible High Heels isn't very disturbing to the jaded--yes, there's a decent helping of gore, but I've seen worse (or do I mean better?) in any dozen Italian zombie/cannibal films, and in quite a few Asian films as well. This is irrelevant, though, because its other shortcomings are so severe that no amount of barbarism could sway my low opinion of it.The film's greatest flaw is that it's utterly incoherent. This is actually an odd statement coming from me, because I'm normally a huge fan of incoherence, especially when it's intentional--for example, when it's used to instill a sense of confusion in the viewer that mirrors the mental state of the film's protagonist. But the incoherence in HHH is the result of nothing more than an abundance of filmmaking ineptitude. If this ineptitude were at least comical, I might still have enjoyed the film, but it's simply perpetually frustrating and inappropriate to the narrative. In many sections, it's as if the editor decided that shot sequence was arbitrary, and simply spliced the shots together in random order.And so on. To make a long story short (too late), don't waste your money. If you've seen Cannibal Ferox, City of the Living Dead, Organ, Men Behind the Sun, and the like, this film will not fulfill your mayhem jones, and it will irritate you besides. If you DON'T like your entertainment brutal, for god's sake why are you reading about this film?