Hooking Up
Hooking Up
NR | 06 March 2009 (USA)
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After "hooking up" with a series of guys at a house party, April is the talk of her high school.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
nilsjoachim No, I'm not a teen (I'm 40+) No,I don't rent films like these to look at hot chicks having simulated sex. But I admit that I like high school comedies when they are close to good. But this isn't a bad copy of American Pie. It's much worse than that. To see Corey Feldman in such an awful film is sad but maybe not that surprising. To see Brian O'Halloran from my old favorite "Clerks" in this is more depressing. I'm not a fan of censorship but there should be some punishment for making films like this one. I would rate it 0 out of 10 if possible, but I give it 1 star because of the hilarious joke that O'Halloran (born 1969) plays a 45 year old dad while Feldman (born 1971) plays a 25 year old hunk.
GrytaHuvud Well first of all, it's all about sex, this girl gives head to a bunch of guys at a party and thinks shes not a slut because she didn't have sex, dumb girl. A bunch of teenage sex, something that most people don't do in school, talk extremely loud about sex, student trying to hook up with a teacher or anybody she can so she can be ahead of her friend (the one who is giving head to everybody) the Average slut scene.This is pretty a movie about teenage girls, how stupid they can be, how much of whores they can be. A lot of fake things and stuff that most people wouldn't do or more people wouldn't be stupid enough to stay in an emotional or psychically abusive relationship(another girl in the movie) But above all if you like seeing teen girls slut about school and three guys talk about sex one of whom is shown masturbating for at least half an hour of the movie off and on, one who is constantly looking up different disgusting sex rituals and one of whom is actually normal, a fourth guy who cheats on his girlfriend, beats her and emotionally abuses and is a pedophile then this movie is for you.-90 out of 10 stars.
Steve Cohen Just saw a screening of this movie and I found it enjoyable over all.The aptly titled Hooking Up is a humorous look at a lot of teenage social trends that have started to get a little attention lately – casual oral sex which is viewed as a way to preserve virginity, friends with benefits, the lengths girls will go to get popular, unhealthy, obsessive relationships, etc. It then also goes on to highlight a series of sexual "urban legends" (or perhaps "suburban legends" given the setting) which are found on the internet – a gloryhole, rainbow parties, and (the one you'll be talking with your friends about) something called "seagulling" – creating an interesting mix of the realistic and the absurd.The stars are mostly young unknowns who all managed to do well. Parker Croft (who plays John Johnson) definitely stood out to me, delivering an energetic, poised, and hysterical performance, and definitely got the most laughs. Keep your eyes open for this guy, he's going places.Of the veteran actors, Bronson Pinchot's cameo role of Mr. Kimbal, a chemistry teacher who is constantly dodging one student's ravenous attempts to sleep with him, was hysterical. Brian O'Halloran, best known as Dante in the Clerks movies, held his own as the naïve high school principal. And Corey Feldman was cast well as the consummate asshole Ryan, an older guy that preys on insecure high school girls.If I had complaints they would be that it was a little too sprawling and not focused on any particular character long enough. It revolves around 7 characters sort of drifts in between story lines, but they did a decent job of tying everything together. I thought the ending of the Ryan/Caroline story could have been a little stronger as well.It doesn't have the look of a polished Hollywood movie, but I think it works well for what it is. Especially once I heard about how it was made – by a few friends who pooled all their money together after graduating from college. I definitely respect the "do it yourself" approach they took.There were some really hilarious moments throughout this dialogue heavy film (a lot of which reminded me of early Kevin Smith lines). I really enjoyed the whole "seagulling" storyline, and thought it was a fresh, independent take on a lot of these cliché teen sex movies. I don't think it's winning any awards, but it's entertaining, good for some laughs, and will definitely spur some interesting conversations amongst friends. Definitely worth a rent.
jessejace This weak, unbalanced and (mostly) unfunny attempt at a teen sex comedy left me with a new lack of respect for Corey Feldman, which is quite a feat. It's full of dialog that you can tell is SUPPOSED to be funny, but never really manages to draw out a single laugh. The opening scene is a prime example of this...if you don't laugh in the first five minutes of the movie, just turn it off because you are in for a whole lot more of the same.The pacing of the movie doesn't make any sense. You'll see Corey Feldman (Ryan) do mean thing after mean thing to his decade-younger girlfriend, only to have her come crawling back every time, never learning a thing. You expect some kind of turnaround or revenge to come out of all this suffering, but it never does, which makes the movie's ending all the more depressing, not to mention sudden. It's as if they ran out of budget in the middle of shooting and the director said, "Okay, I guess we've got our movie!" If I were being forced at gunpoint to say something nice about the movie (which I am, at this very minute, please help), I'd say that Leah Viens-Gordon (Michele) is a cutie and probably has the potential to become a decent actress. There, I said it. Now please let me live!
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