Home Room
Home Room
R | 12 April 2002 (USA)
Home Room Trailers

A high school shooting has repercussions on the town and students.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Bryce Durham (Just hear me out, OK?) Stories about school shootings have always fascinated me. I DO NOT encourage or support the killers' actions, but it gives us a different look into human psychology. Specifically, the case of Columbine has been the one I slightly obsess over. Dylan and Eric had a complex (but very sick and reprehensible) philosophy. This movie is one of the many, many school shooting themed movies made after the events at Columbine.After watching the trailer I thought Alicia was simply a tough girl with an "alternative" style, such as Lisbeth from the Millennium trilogy. Instead, she just ended up being a melodramatic young adult. While the build up to the end of the movie where it explains why she is the way she is kept me interested, it simply wasn't satisfying. Alicia and Deanna were not fleshed out enough.ALICIA went through a traumatizing event, the idea it turned her into a completely opposite person is very overdramatic. She's just way too vicious and unsympathetic. She looked and acted entirely different than her former self, yet she had a caring father and many people tried helping her through her pain. Alicia was an excuse to put a goth kid into the movie. After Columbine, the goth and metalhead scenes were very often considered responsible for school shooter attitudes and mentalities. Music promoting philosophies such as Satanism and nihilism (like Marilyn Manson) were turned into scapegoats. It represented social outcasts in high schools, which Eric and Dylan were. You'll find that a plethora of these post-Columbine movies where a teen is emotionally distressed is also goth. It was basically obligatory. Also, Alicia's lesbianism comes out of completely nowhere. She said earlier that she finds men in their late thirties more sexually attractive than guys around her age.DEANNA mentions that people only like her because she's rich and trendy. She's got the nice car and hangs out with the preppy "in" kids. At the same time, she's kinda nerdy - she gets good grades and even mentions being in a mathematics contest. It would have been great if being in the hospital room for so long changed her into a different person, like the room acted as some kind of cocoon for personal growth. (That's only a minor complaint though.) Before Deanna can attempt suicide, Alicia convinces her not to and says something along the lines of "You need to tell your parents to get you out of that room." It was already established that she demanded to go back out in the world many times but HAD to stay in that room so her injuries could fully heal and receive counseling for her PTSD.THE SHOOTER is never really established. He killed 16 kids because that's just what socially outcasted kids do. That's what Alicia declared, but it's never actually explored any further. Dylan and Eric had many anger problems. Eric got even more violent because some antidepressants can cause that in people which was evident in his case. It wasn't just that they were outcasts. In fact, Dylan had a good number of acquaintances. However, he also had anger issues so Eric's social Darwinism philosophy was seen as reasonable to him.IN THE END it's a rather mediocre/average movie in terms of story structure and character building. Convincing and notable acting. Appropriate setting. Some clever bits here and there. The scenes feel in order and flow into the following ones. Keeps the audience interested.
Valtresca At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch this movie when it came up on my guide so I looked it up on IMDb and thought the cover looked pretty cool so I thought I would give it a try expecting a movie like Elephant.Once I got past the fact that I am supposed to dislike the Alicia character played excellently by Busy Phillips, I realized what a good job this movie was doing toward setting up the relationship between Alicia and Deanna. Alicia is so mean to Deanna played by Erika Christensen almost throughout the entire movie but we eventually find out that they despite being polar opposites they have one thing in common besides being present at the shooting. They share loneliness and to what extent is revealed as the film progresses.I've just got to say how much I loved this movie and was glad to see all of the positive comments about it. I couldn't even get through Elephant because it just seemed to be exploiting the Columbine tragedy. This movie on the other hand was compelling and realistic. Busy Phillips acting is OFF the CHAIN!!! That is a good thing and I would love to see her progress into some more mature roles.
emfp1 If you're out of high school, and don't confuse screaming with depth, ignore this movie. It has no redeeming qualities, just 90 minutes of stupid, followed by 30 minutes of preachy, with 11 minutes of "who cares?" tacked on at the end. Indie films used to be an outlet for true artists to practice their craft without interference. This, and others of its kind, are little more than a symptom of the continued dumbing down of American culture. Thanks to digital cameras, YouTube, et al., any moron can make a movie these days. The only way to stop it, is to refuse to watch them. Don't waste your time, and please don't assume any movie dealing with school shootings has to have some sort of social or cultural value. Sometimes the topic is just a cheap path to ill-gotten indie "cred."
splahhhh Why a stupid, boring, crappy overrated film series like "Star Wars" gets all the hype, and a truly amazing film like this one goes completely un-noticed.. is beyond me... This movie will really open your eyes to the dark, disturbing, sad, and scary world we live in...Unlike the boring "Elephant", this movie isn't one of those "just a typical day until someome pulls the trigger" movies.. this movie focuses more on what happens AFTER the event...Deana, played by the very hot and very talented Erika Christensen, is a happy and healthy straight-A student with great friends and a great life... until... she is injured on the day of the shooting, by being shot in the head.. Luckily she is not killed, but is severely injured and has to be in the hospital for a while, causing her to be in a lot of emotional pain, in addition to the physical...Meanwhile, Alicia, played by the also very gorgeous and talented Busy Phillips, is a nasty, cold-hearted, rebellious, anti-social goth girl who doesn't have a single positive trait on her... and she is unharmed when the shooting happens.. because it turns out, she was FRIENDS with the shooter and knew he was going to do what he did... which causes her to be brought into the police station and be asked some questions.. When she refuses to tell the cops if she knew the shooting was going to happen, they constantly come by her house to try to convince her to say something... and she still doesn't, so the principal of the school makes her attend a funeral of one of the dead students, and after she walks out on that... the principal decides enough is enough, and forces her to go visit Deana in the hospital.. Of course she refuses this too, but the principal says that if Alicia doesn't do this, the cops are going to continue to try to get her to say something.. and so she actually goes to see her...The lonely, traumatized, and both physically and emotionally wounded Deana is more than happy to have someone visit her, but of course, Alicia is anything BUT happy to be seeing her.. Deana attempts to give her a friendly welcome, but of course, Alicia responds with nothing but harsh and hurtful comments and a harsh statement on how she is only here because she is being forced, and has no intention of being friendly with her at all. But sooner or later, that intention will change... (and that's all I'll say :) This is truly one of the most moving movies ever, as well as one of the most dark and disturbing.. Actually, I think I would tie this with "American History X" as equally disturbing and moving at the same time...WARNING: Watch this movie at your own risk!! It contains VERY graphic scenes and images! EXCELLENT and criminally under-appreciated movie! I feel so ashamed that I'm pretty much the only one that knows about it!