Hollywood Wives: The New Generation
Hollywood Wives: The New Generation
| 19 October 2003 (USA)
Hollywood Wives: The New Generation Trailers

A Hollywood star (Fawcett), fed up with her husband's cheating, hires a private investigator to tail him. Emotional support is offered by her two friends - a soul singer (Givens) and a famous director's wife (Gilbert)

Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
brooksduane54 It was The New York Times that termed Marlon Brando and Al Pacino the rescuers of bad films. Well, as with many things The Times had it dead wrong. The person who actually deserves that title is Robin Givens. And she abundantly proves that she merits it in "Jackie Collins's Hollywood Wives: The New Generation." The only other factor concerning "Generation" that makes it worthy is a generous display of female skin (Best example: During one scene where Robin's character, Kyndra, and Farrah Fawcett's character, Lissa, are getting "a midnight massage," we- -hurrah!--see more of the former's smokin' bod than the latter's). But, again, Robin is present and, again, she is just about the only worthwhile element of this stinker. Despite the thinnish characterizations, the mostly-amateurish dialogue, and the crawling pace, Robin's uptown charm, her svelte sexiness, and her keen intelligence shine through and, along with the considerable amount of exposed female bodies and a smattering of incisive dialogue, prevent "Generation" from achieving absolute badness. Really, the producers of "Generation" should have told her what Candace Bergen told the clutch of TV-newswomen guest-stars after they appeared on her "Murphy Brown" sitcom: "You saved our ass."
cosatrit Farrah Fawcett is 60 years old. And it shows! I just could not believe that the walking mummy on screen was once the prettiest of the Angels. Hollywood is really harsh with aging actresses but this doesn't give them any excuse for trying (unsuccessfully) to look sexy and desirable until...death, especially when it's not in their genes. As for the movie, the plot and the acting are horrible. The characters and reactions unconvincing. I only watched it to the end to see if it would get worse - and of course it did. The film is supposed to show (once again) how rotten the U.S. Movie industry is and how it affects people's personalities and actions. But no morals are gained due to the shock of viewing one of the worst films ever!
felicia-blake I saw this film a couple of days ago, courtesy of the Daily Mail (free DVD giveaway).I love cheesy films, so I was in heaven for most of this movie. I did however feel, certain story lines were underdeveloped. I would have loved to have seen more of Lissa's husband after he started to slate her on national TV. But he, and that story just seemed to disappear, which was disappointing. I love most things Jack Scalia is in, ever since I saw him in Dallas, and as usual he was in fine form. I did like the storyline with Melissa Gilbert's character, but I wouldn't have minded seeing what drew her to have an affair - she seemed to have quite a loving husband - I can't have been just because she wanted her film script read??Farah Fawcet was OK. To be honest, I was more interested to see what she looked like after all the plastic surgery - She still looks good, but should have maybe left her face alone - it was a bit disturbing to see the effects of the obvious 'work'.Robin Givens was inconsequential...not sure what role she had in the film, and it would have flowed without her - her daughter, I thought was the more interesting one in that relationship.All in all, the movie was OK, but could have been so much better!
speedo68 Although, I must say that I enjoyed the first HOLLYWOOD WIVES, this new tv movie, based on Jackie Collins' novel, is definitely, the WORST tv movie I've ever seen in my whole life!And what happened to Farrah Fawcett? Her face is too tight, she can't even smile. Her expressions are the same in all her emotions! It is very sad to see her like this. I wonder what actor Jack Scalia felt during those kissing scenes......she looks like a puppet. Watching her are so stressing cause, you don't know if she will be able to open her mouth and her cheeks are all swollen, like she's got some golf balls inside her mouth!If she's thinking that starring in this type of movie will resurrect her acting carreer..well, i'm afraid, this movie ruined her flagging career as an actress. Her love scenes in the movie gave me goosebumps, actually. I thought for a second that I am watching a Stephen King movie! It's scarey!!!!Ditto, with her co-stars. How did Robin Givens ended up getting a role in this movie? Please explain....and Melissa Gilbert..oh god...she's one tv's worst actresses and she's still is after all these years. Why these actresses ended up starring in this movie was a big insult to those fans of these genre(imagine that?!!!).Avoid this stinker.......
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