Highlander: The Source
Highlander: The Source
R | 15 September 2007 (USA)
Highlander: The Source Trailers

The world is falling into chaos. As he roams a crumbling city, Duncan MacLeod, the Highlander, remembers happier times before the love of his life left... Hopeless and alone, MacLeod finds his way to a band of immortal companions, including his mysterious friend Methos, and a mortal, Watcher Joe Dawson. Together this small group sets out on a quest to find the origin of the first Immortal.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Alicia I love this movie so much
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Gary Williams I love Highlander, the original one is timeless and I'd love to see more in that universe. The TV series had a good stab at it (pardon the pun!), it had good and bad episodes. It had some good drama. It was at least on the right road.Then there is this movie. Just what the hell is this movie supposed to be? It looks cheap. It looks cheaper than a lot of fan movies. The idea of finding the source, the very first immortal, what a great idea, we could have had flashbacks, we could have new immortals, a good adversary, basically the first movie all over again.What did we get? Well, I'm still trying to work that out but whatever it is, it's bloody awful. It's even worse than Highlander 2 (yup, it's that bad). This movie has METHOS in it, how can a movie with Methos be bad? Well, i think he just showed up for his paycheque. Can't say I blame him. The script is bad, the movie is bad, the action is laughable, the quality is desirable, the guardian is not an enemy but some pillock in bad makeup.Can we just pretend that this doesn't exist?
fulaboy Just one question? What were the producers when they made this film? It just kept getting worse and worse as the film went on, so much random stuff was happening and the acting wow, you seriously can't get any worse than this. The fighting was downright awful, and they were moving as if they just took some weird drugs off of the streets. It really was that horrible and I hope and pray that no one else has the chance to see such a bad film. No words can truly describe how terrible this film is. It's so bad, I just can't stop laughing. I grew up as a hardcore Highlander fan, and now this, this is just icing on the cake. It's that bad, that you must laugh.It should be rated 0 stars/10.
blackskies-160-128512 I've been reading the reviews for Highlander the Source and I have to say, I'm shocked. After viewing the movie for the first time I expected at least a few more defenders of a film that does in all honesty stay true to the TV series so many of us came to adore. Granted there are problems. That cannot be denied.For instance the ending. That should have been thought out better. Not to mention the final fight scene. I found it hard to understand why it had to look the way it did but aside from the minor problems, it's still a decent movie though not the greatest but better than fair.If you put your anger aside for the movie not being as you would expect it to be and judge it based upon a single, independent film and not part of a franchise, I suspect there would be more flavor in the reviews than just "I hate it". The movie deserves more than that I think.
Bernard-Dunne As has been said this is pretty bad and low budget, but it's still watchable if you treat it more like a TV pilot or a TV episode rather than a cinema film, and after watching the television series you would be used to seeing the bad acting and lack of plot, also as it's only about 80 minutes it has the 'feel' of a TV episode, the ending has extra padded time filler, as it shows highlights of the film (like having a trailer for the film within it's own film?) And a kind of biblical ending where Anna, McCloud's wife gets pregnant (by God?)It also has some very Weird and wonderful crediting. Still bad and pretty lame but it could have been worst, as it's also anti church with the cardinal been crooked and betraying his friends (Judas?). Also for some strange reason they are all wearing tinted glasses. What more can be said? Bad sword fights, speeded up action, it's bad but NOT totally bad.
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