Higher Ground
Higher Ground
R | 26 August 2011 (USA)
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Vera Farmiga's directorial debut, HIGHER GROUND, depicts the landscape of a tight-knit spiritual community thrown off-kilter when one of their own begins to question her faith. Inspired by screenwriter Carolyn S. Briggs' memoir This Dark World, the film tells the story of a thoughtful woman's struggles with belief, love, and trust - in human relationships as well as in God.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
beorhhouse I was there. I knew all of those people. This is the most accurate depiction of the Charismatic movement of the late 60s, 70s, and 80s before everything went 'Evangelical.' There were good people in those circles, even a few saints, but many were just like the fools in this film--uneducated, narrow-minded, and essentially Hardshell Baptists with long hair and bell-bottoms.
Mike B There are just too many disconnections in this movie. It's really BAD. Scenes just meander one into another without any rhyme or reason. They are punctuated by pretty people singing and playing guitar. I think if the film had focused on a few days (or hours) of our main protagonists' life it would have been far better. Instead we get a whole lifespan with a multitude of themes. There is really nothing good about this film – the dialogue, the editing, the acting, but most of all the storyline is like a buffet dinner with everything possible at the table – and none of it tastes good. So really go to a buffet dinner instead of this movie – at least you won't come out feeling empty.
phd_travel I watched this because I am a Vera Farmiga fan. Her younger sister from American Horror Story plays her younger self and it is quite cute to watch how much alike they look.Unfortunately this movie should not have been made. It is about 2 uninteresting people and really goes nowhere. A couple get knocked up, become members of a narrow minded cult like Christian group, and then the marriage falls apart and the wife wants out after losing her faith.If the point was to show religious narrow mindedness then it wasn't really worth the whole movie. There just isn't enough dramatic story or insight. The characters are so uninteresting. Not every book needs to be adapted for screen.
sddavis63 I would have to say that the basic problem with this movie is that it's jot especially interesting - at least, it wasn't to me. Basically, we follow the spiritual journey of Corinne (Vera Farmiga, who also directed this) from childhood through a fundamentalist upbringing and involvement in a fundamentalist Christian sect until the point at which (literally) she walks out of the door and into a new life. To be honest, I felt little connection with Corinne. I didn't find the character well developed. We saw her at various points in her life, but the connections between those various points weren't explored. Corinne seems to struggle with her faith from the moment that she gets "saved," never really comfortable with it, but not really comfortable breaking away from it either. Her struggles with her faith is portrayed in a number of scenes where she clearly thinks thoughts that are unacceptable to the sect to which she belongs (there's a hint of lesbianism scattered in this movie, especially in the relationship between Corinne and Annika (Dagmara Dominczyk.) Corrine has fantasies about Annika - portrayed fairly innocently on screen - but they surely represent her inner struggle with the idea that there has to be more to life than she's seeing as a part of this rather controlling sect, where she's being constantly told how to dress and where it's clear that women are second class members.)The movie wasn't overtly negative of this type of Christianity. It's clear that some members of the sect are quite content with this life. It's just that Corinne wasn't. I would have liked to have seen more about Corrine's spiritual search. The only form of Christianity she was exposed to outside of the sect she belonged to was charismatic Christianity (Annika spoke in tongues.) But even though Christianity is far more diverse than that, the movie's end seemed to point to a sense that Corinne either had to stay with the sect or leave the faith altogether. There was no reference at all to more mainline versions of Christianity, although that may in itself make a point. As a mainline pastor, my general observation has been that people raised in fundamentalist backgrounds tend to give up on the church altogether if they rebel, rather than seeking out a more moderate take on Christianity; almost as if they think, even though they've rejected the teaching, that fundamentalism is still the only valid expression of Christianity that there is. I refer to the group as a "sect" because I didn't have a sense that they belonged to any particular denomination. They seemed to be a very independent group (which, to me, raises all sorts of problems in terms of accountability.) Some of the sect members seemed to be a bit of a caricature of such people. There was a very "hippy-ish" quality to some of them.Watching Corinne's spiritual evolution was somewhat interesting, and the ending of the movie, as she walked out the door of the sect's service, did make me feel some sympathy for her. It was as if she was on her own, with no help, no one to turn to after all these years when she was told so much about how to live. Overall, though, the movie didn't really strike much of a chord with me. (4/10)