The Girl from the Naked Eye
The Girl from the Naked Eye
R | 15 June 2012 (USA)
The Girl from the Naked Eye Trailers

Jake is a driver for a seedy escort service operating out of 'The Naked Eye strip club', he's a street thug type who falls for a witty high-class escort named Sandy. Except one night Sandy is found murdered, the only clues left behind are cell phone calls made the night she died. To avenge Sandy's death Jake must risk everything and walk a bloody path to find her killer.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
M MALIK I saw this film last year it was on my DVD collection then i re-watched it again today i have to say when people hate direct home cinema releases they are wrong this film is even worse then loads of C Grade films i have seen countless films i can like a awful movie but the thing with this project is its not bad its just extremely boring from start to finish first of all i hated the protagonist he respects no one and kills cops throughout the film the story was about a guy who wants revenge for his girl getting killed but did he finished the job no way some other guy does it in the end and who can forget the worst acting display.The Cast:first of all i liked Gary Stretch he tricked me & totally reminded me of Dougray Scott he could be the next 007 for sure,Jason Yee cant act for sure he lacked everything even the fight moves he was doing were stolen from old boy 2003 and other big famous films,Sasha Grey,Samantha Streets & other ladies looked good.The Plot:a call girl sandy gets murdered Jake who drives for the naked eye strip club begins his own investigation and puts everything on risk to avenge her death.To sit and watch this film is a pure painful and uncomfortable experience i have got nothing more to say please try to save your money and time by avoiding this movie at all costs because the ending will make you spin your head what were the writers thinking.Overall The Girl From The Naked Eye 2012 Is not even worth watching once if you like Gary Stretch then do try it my rating is 2/10:Skipp It
jmcginn174 Late August and most of September is usually a crappy time of year for films at least for me. Sure there is Expendables 2 out and Lawless coming out Friday, but they aren't movies I desperately want to see or willing to fork at least ten bucks for to see, so this is usually the time I rent films, and that's what I did a few days ago. I rented The Raid: Redemption, Flowers of War and The Girl From The Naked Eye. The Naked Eye was a spur of the moment decision on my part. It's only a buck to rent at the Red Box and the summary sounded decent, so I decided to check it out which leads to my review of the film. This will be another relatively short review.The film follows Jake (Jason Yee) a driver for high class escorts who seeks justice for Sandy (Samantha Streets) who he finds shot dead in her apartment; even though he's a driver, a recovering alcoholic and in debit to the mob. The story is a noir-mystery that was influenced by the films of the late 1930's, 1940's and the 1950's. Even for the direct to DVD you can tell the film didn't have that big of a budget. Still the story works pretty well as Jake gives us his internal monologue as he tries to find Sandy's killer. The flashbacks gives detail into the relationship of Jake and Sandy and also gives depth to these flawed characters trying to get out of the sh*tty lives they have. For me this was a surprisingly good story with a sad and fitting ending.The acting by these C level stars was pretty good. Jason Yee was great as the lead showing depth of emotions that fit the role. I had never heard of the actor before this film. He's manly stared in direct to DVD films, but I was surprised he had an un-credited role in The Dark Knight Rises as one of Bane's mercenaries. Ron Yuan (Simon) did a decent job as Jake's boss. He's another actor I'd never heard off, but you might recognize his voice. He gets most of his work from video games. He's had roles in Command and Conquer, Prototype, Alpha Protocol, Fallout New Vegas and many others. Another unknown actor Gary Stretch plays Frank who has an interest in Jake and Samantha. He does a good job playing a bad guy, and apparently has had many roles in direct to DVD films. Samantha Streets is a beautiful actress and did a great job playing Sandy. She's only had guest roles on television shows and minor roles. I think some director or film studio should give her a chance. Samantha is attractive and is a pretty good actress. The overrated retired porn star Sasha Grey is on the cover of the DVD, but she's only in the film for a minute. I know why the studio did that so she could draw attention to the film, but like I said she's only in it for maybe a minute. On a side note I know some men find her attractive, but I don't see the appeal. In my opinion she's ugly and very flat chested. Sasha isn't Hollywood hot and she's not even street hot, and the majority of the women I see on the street are hotter than her. Anyway back to my review.With such a low budget film you can't expect special effects action sequences, and that was probably the worst part of the film. The action was at best decent. The best scene for action was the climax in a hallway, which was surprisingly really good, but that's pretty much the highlight of the film action wise. David Ren wrote and directed this film and he does a good job with the budget he has. I didn't know this until I looked him up, but he also directed another decent direct to DVD film called Shanghai Kiss, which I enjoyed.In my ratings you'll find I'm harsher in my criticism to films that I see in the theater then when I rent or download films. I expect more from films that are released in the theater, because they're supposed to be the higher quality films in writing, directing, acting and action/effects. I am a little more forgiving for films that are direct to DVD or films I rent. Would The Girl From The Naked Eye be worth paying at least ten bucks to see in the theater no, but overall the film is pretty good and I recommend that you rent it; it's worth the buck you'd spend to rent it at Red Box. It has a good story and characters with decent acting, below average action and good directing.
rgblakey Over the last few years martial arts films have been making more of a comeback. Sadly most of them just aren't all that great. The upside is if they can deliver on the fighting then you can look past everything else. The Girl From The Naked Eye takes on the martial arts genre, while sporting a comic promotional look and an appearance by ex-adult film star Sasha Grey. Will it be one of those surprise gems that deliver the needed action or will it be an immediate knockout? The Girl From The Naked Eye follows a man who will stop at nothing to track down the killer of the escort he was assigned to protect. This movie looked and felt like it had some good potential. All this was put to rest once the film got going. The story was all over the place and led by some really poor acting. Sasha Grey has established herself as a pretty decent actress with roles such as Entourage, but here is pretty much just a selling point for promotion since she barely even shows up. Yeah it had some decent fight sequences that are entertaining, but not enough to really help this movie work like it wanted to. There are some recognizable martial arts guys showing up to fight here and there, which makes it that much more of a disappointment when they fights don't always work. When you finally get to some of the better action and the movie seems to be finally be going somewhere, it takes a strange turn and just kind of ends. The ending made little to no sense, but this may have something to do with the slow paced story that was all over the place early on.This was a movie that should have worked but just does not. If you are of the mindset of watching martial arts films just for the fighting, there are so many others that are a much better option. Enjoy anyone in this film or not, do not let the eye catching cover art suck you in that is the best part of the movie.
MLachey I must start by saying that you should not watch this film with the same expectations of a large Hollywood production because it simply isn't.With that in mind however, I found it very easy to appreciate how this film follows the graphic novel/detective film translation. Moreover, it borrows a lot from Sin City in its colour scheme, lighting and general feel. The fight choreography is gritty and satisfactory. They integrate the standard line of thugs in with trained "guards" and a certified martial artist in Lateef Crowder (Max).The biggest surprise is how much depth they add to the surrounding characters beyond the protagonist. Simon and Sandy bring forth a lot of different emotional reactions and really help raise the entire acting level of the film. There are few lines in this movie that should crack a smile as well.Overall it's a slightly different take on your standard detective narrative and worth a viewing if you have time to kill or enjoy the genre.