High Strung
High Strung
PG | 08 January 1992 (USA)
High Strung Trailers

Thane Furrows, an extremely cynical but unintentionally hilarious children's book writer, wakes up one morning, and, since pretty much everyone and everything annoys him, begins another day of complaining to himself. However, the day proves to be much different than normal when Thane begins to recieve strange phone calls, letters, and voices in his head, all indicating that something will happen at 8 o'clock. As the day goes on, Thane rants and raves about the things that annoy him, as the clock slowly ticks closer and closer to his destiny

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
personmn This film is very revealing. If you enjoy it, you'll know what I mean... you'll have shared it with dozens of friends- some will get it, some just wont. This is a roll-on-the-floor-laughing film for me, and for those close friends who share my sense of humor. For those who just can't find the humor in it, good night and good bye.Also, you might try this one out as a "filter" of sorts for people you're dating... don't want to consider getting serious with someone who just doesn't share your spice for life and all things satirical...If you haven't seen the film, I highly recommend giving it a try. If you like it, good for you. If you find it dull, unengaging or dry then I recommend spending some time taking yourself less seriously and trying again- you're sure to love it eventually!
Lee Eisenberg Well, I'm not sure what exactly I thought of "High Strung". It focuses on Thane Furrows (Steve Oedekerk), who gets annoyed by everyone and everything. Quite literally, anything that you can think of, it's guaranteed to rile him. Throughout one particular day, he sits around pontificating on why everything makes him angry, while he has a series of visions of a strange character (Jim Carrey) who may or may not be coming to visit him.I guess that if there's any reason to watch this movie, it's mostly that the movie's a before-they-were-famous situation for Jim Carrey. Otherwise...well, I wouldn't call it a bad movie, but don't make it your first choice at the video/DVD store.
jenica5spd-1 Oedekerk is a comic genius in this movie which will have movie goers everywhere quoting lines. Similar to Office Space, High Strung centers around the absurdity in every-day-life & one man's inability to cope with it. Jim Carrey plays death & pulls it off brilliantly. What I love about this movie is how accurate Thane's observations of life are. He seems to point out to all what we should have seen the whole time had we had more insight on life. Commenting on things from flies to Vietnam, the "O" keeps us entertained from start to finish. And considering there's really only three characters that's quite an amazing feat. I find it extremely cute & smart with a good moral that leaves audiences feeling warm & fuzzy. I give it a 10/10.
madhater_da_killa Steve Oedekerk is a genius when it comes to well written comedies, so when I heard about high strung I nearly freaked out. Basically in this film, one of Steve's more independent workings, Thane Furrows, portrayed by Steve, stays locked in his apartment and bitches about stuff. The movie was fairly engaging and had a lot of good one liners but some of the rants that Oedekerk launches into are a little lame. The original comedy in this movie; especially Furrow's boss and his description of his job. Jim Carrey does play a small role in the film, death in particular, but he is a pivitol part of the plot and comes into a little more prominence in the end of the film. Also another noticable appearance on this film is Kirsten Dunst playing a small girl right after a scene with Thompas Wilson AKA Biff from Back To The Future... not that we really care but... for Carrey fans I wouldn't reccomend High Strung. Though many of you would enjoy it a great deal would be looking for a Jim Carrey movie and Oedekerk's style is to slowly paced for most Carrey fans.