Heavenly Bodies
Heavenly Bodies
R | 01 February 1984 (USA)
Heavenly Bodies Trailers

A small "Dance-ercize" studio fights for its existence against the unscrupulous owner of a rival club. The conflict boils down to a "Dance Marathon" to settle the score.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
utgard14 Single mom Samantha Blair (Cynthia Dale) opens a small aerobics studio called Heavenly Bodies. When Samantha beats out a rival aerobics instructor for a job hosting a local TV station's fitness show, the woman sets out to destroy Heavenly Bodies. It's a feud for the ages that will be decided with an epic workout marathon.Despite the suggestive title and the fact this was co-produced by Playboy, there's surprisingly little in this one would call sexy. The dancercise numbers are more laugh-inducing than boner-inducing. Still, Cynthia Dale is a cutie and does an admirable job with the exercise choreography. The boy playing her son is a poor little actor. The football player love interest is played by Richard Rebiere. Pretty sad if that's the best Canada had to offer in 1984. Their sex scene, intercut with an aerobics workout, is pretty funny. Generic '80s pop music litters the movie. It wasn't particularly good but damned if some of it wasn't stuck in my head for hours afterwards. The movie's about as filling as cotton candy. However, it does have some unintentional comedy. The best part is the workout marathon. It's pretty hard to get a Rocky/Karate Kid moment out of aerobics but they sure as hell try.
Scarecrow-88 Wonderfully corny Flashdance-inspired Canadian romantic exercise drama, with Cynthia Dane (of My Bloody Valentine) as an aerobics instructor and single mother who, along with her friends, struggles valiantly to open a studio called Heavenly Bodies, making it a success through talent and sheer force of will. Later landing a big part as an aerobics star on a television dance show, Dane makes a rival in Laura Henry who wanted the gig so badly she convinces a wealthy man to buy the warehouse containing the Heavenly Bodies. With the lease in jeopardy, Dane makes it her mission to see those responsible suffer. Henry is actually the ringleader behind the studio's potential demise but Dane blames her squeeze, Walter George Alton (he operates a health fitness club and is Henry's lover), also, and a challenge is issued between the two: a marathon between Heavenly Bodies and The Sporting Life (Alton's club) with the warehouse's lease up for grabs. This is so 80s as you can tell by its plot, made right in the period of the aerobics craze when the likes of Staying Alive and Perfect, as well as, the Olivia Newton John song "Let's Get Physical" and Jane Fonda's Workout were all the rage. This movie serves as a star vehicle for Dane and credit to her, the actress is plucky, spirited, and charming. The film is basically a series of aerobics dances for Dane and those behind her choreographed in synchronicity. The plot is fundamentally threadbare and derivative, using the Rocky formula regarding the little girl who rose from nothing and made something of herself through labor and sweat. The romance with the football player is emphasized; it is as cheesy as the pop soundtrack and exercise plot so popular and on the consciousness of yuppies and 80s youth of the time. The dance-off marathon, for sure, is pure corn, used to solidify Dane's lengths to see her studio flourish without the restrictions of a lease (the "injury" angle, thanks to a scuffle with Alton, is desperately contrived to produce a vulnerable Dane against a fresh Henry, but I don't think the result is in doubt). The movie's poster, showing Dane in a crouched position looking towards us, might be as derivative as its plot suggests, but I have to admit I love it. Dane, if anything, is limber and flexible.
Wuchak "Heavenly bodies" (1984) was Canada's answer to 1983's "Flashdance." Not that it's a rip-off, because the stories are totally different. In "Heavenly Bodies" three women decide to start a fitness club that specializes in aerobic with intentions of eventually purchasing the building they lease. When the building is bought out from under them by a competing fitness center, the main protagonist, Samantha Blair (Cynthia Dale), issues a challenge -- a dance-aerobics competition -- with the building as the prize.Some have lambasted "Heavenly Bodies" as the "worst film ever made," "bad cinema" and "heavily campy," but actually none of these criticisms are true. Films should be evaluated according to what they aspire to be and, consequently, no genre is beyond redemption or beneath contempt. "Heavenly Bodies" never aspired to be "Ghandi" or "Out of Africa." It's a sports film focusing on aerobics for cryin' out loud. The question is: Does it deliver on that level? Yes, in spades.What is required in a aerobics sports flick from 1984? Quality characters, heavenly bodies (sorry), energetic music, kinetic direction, a story that keeps your attention and a film that generally keeps your blood pumping, right? "Heavenly Bodies" scores well in all these areas. For instance, Cynthia Dale is a great protagonist for this type of flick; she's cute, winsome, sprightly and insanely curvaceous. Although Jennifer Beals was fine in "Flashdance," Cynthia easily surpasses her. And Cynthia is only one of the numerous shapely women featured throughout. There are guys too, of course, for those who care.The criticisms that "Heavenly Bodies" is "bad cinema" and "heavily campy" are based solely on the fact that the film is from 1984 and involves aerobics. Aerobics was a fad that goes by different names today and the attire & hairstyles are naturally dated, which make the film an easy target for contempt. But this does not make it bad filmmaking or campy in the least. As far as "heavily campy" goes, there's nothing artlessly mannered or self-consciously artificial in the story or performances; and there's nothing remotely campy in the sense of, say, the 60's "Batman" TV series. The story and actors play it straight throughout. Do these critics even know what 'camp' is? The film runs a short-and-sweet 90 minutes and was shot in Toronto.FINAL WORD: Don't listen to those who rip on "Heavenly Bodies" as a bad, campy film. It's at least as good as "Flashdance" and IMHO far better. Cynthia Dale is a great protagonist with a charming presence, a well-rounded perfect figure and excellent dance/gymnastic skills, not to mention the myriad of other 'heavenly bodies' throughout. It also has energetic (albeit dated) music, solid characters, limited dialogue, flashy directing and an entertaining story. What more could you ask for in a film of this ilk? Unfortunately the film is only available on VHS as of this writing.GRADE: B+ or A-
Ragnarok-5 This movie is very light on plot, very little character development, and some other reviewer said this had great T & A? It even failed there. I wouldn't say this is the worst movie ever because they are worse movies out there than this one. It's sad when Samantha's friends/business partners aren't as developed as "man at pool", "Thug #2" or "screaming girl" characters in other movies. This doesn't even make a good time killer. I wouldn't say avoid at all costs, but they are better movies to watch. Also, waaayyyy too much music. Finally, the T&A could have been much better, but that's the way it goes. This movie fails in all ways. Its like eating Chinese food, you'll be hungry for another movie in an hour.
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