Head of the Family
Head of the Family
R | 29 November 1996 (USA)
Head of the Family Trailers

In the midst of a torrid affair, Lance discovers that Nob Hollow's weirdest residents, the Stackpoole family, have been doing hideous human experiments in the bowels of their basement.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
merklekranz A muscle man, a trollop, a big head brain, and a sensitive guy, make up the ultra-weird Stackpole family. They get their chuckles by waylaying strangers, giving them a lobotomy, then caging the victims in the basement for their amusement. Enter a diner owner, who's fooling around with a psycho biker's wife. Blackmailing the Stackpoles into getting rid of the brutish biker, he then puts the bite on them for money, which forces the plan to quickly spiral out of control. "Head of the Family" is outrageous and has enough dark humor to satisfy the "black comedy" crowd. There is very little gore, but be prepared for at least a bunch of nudity, including full frontal. Recommended of it's type. - MERK
lordzedd-3 Now I got to admit, there is allot wrong with this film, there are serious character issues. For one, the Stagpool family is doing twisted experiments and murdering people. Lance is a hood that blackmails them, so he's not much of a hero either. So, again like BLOOD DOLLS, with two opposing sides both bad, it's hard to know who to route for. But the Stagpool mutants are kind of cool, Myron is my favorite of the male members of the family. Now he said he has a fascination with the human brain, but what was the goal. Brain experimenting without a goal is just playing. The character issues aside, it is a watchable movie during a late night and you can't sleep. 7 STARS.
scorpioprimus This is one of those movies where the point is to embrace the campiness. Yes, this is a B-movie; what were you expecting, Shakespeare? Not all of the acting holds up, it is true, but the leads do a fair job of selling their characters, and there is full awareness they are doing parody. To be honest, the plot holds together a lot better than a lot of wide-release horror movies with "name" talent. And yes, if you don't get distracted by her lovely form, Jacqueline Lovell is doing some honest-to-gosh acting here. If anything, the flaw with this movie (despite the premise of the title villain), is that it's not quite bad enough to be truly campy.
Backlash007 ~Spoiler~I decided to have a Blake Bailey double feature and watched...well, just about the only two movies he ever starred in: Lurking Fear and this, Head of the Family. Head of the Family is a decent attempt at a horror/comedy from director Robert Talbot (Charles Band, we know it's you). It takes place in the small Southern town of Nobs Hollow and revolves around The less-than-normal Stackpool family and a diner owner who is blackmailing them. He is blackmailing them because he saw them do what all weird families who live in isolated places do: kill and torture innocent passerby's. Oh, and because they're stinkin' rich. Surprisingly, it did make me laugh a few times. I enjoyed it because, it being a Full Moon flick, it was thirty times better than their usually horror dealings. When you're used to seeing Seed People and Curse of the Puppet Master, Head of the Family is a delightful masterpiece. I also dug it because I was in the mood for something dumb. Just some old fashioned, check-your-brain-at-the-door kinda fun. If you go into the movie that way, I don't see how you can't have fun with it. It is just a B-movie after all.