| 08 November 2012 (USA)
Harodim Trailers

Lazarus Fell, a former naval intelligence officer trained in black ops and tasked with tracking down the most wanted Terrorist in the world, has gone rogue, realizing his mission has been inexplicably compromised by his own chain of command. As a result, Lazarus has faked his own death, forsaken his life, his family and all that matters to him in the world, to continue his solitary pursuit. But he has personal motivations as well, believing his father, Solomon Fell, Chief of Operations for the Office of Naval Intelligence, was killed in the attacks of 9/11 – the event masterminded by the selfsame Terrorist.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
IMDB Truth I did not know this movie existed, I can't believe they put the NWO story into a movie format, and actually did a pretty damn good job! I do believe that we are being lied to about 9/11, but regardless of that, 9/11 has been used to start a never ending war, whilst destroying privacy and individual liberty at home and abroad...The "war on terror" is one that can never be won, and it will never end! What's a "terrorist" anyway? A criminal... That's what the people who conspired on 9/11 are, they're criminals, mass murderers! We have laws in place to deal with murderers, but they don't want you to see them simply as murderers..... No, I guess these people are worse than criminals, they're "worse than a murderer", they're "terrorists"... And "terrorists" or even "suspected terrorists", they don't have any Miranda rights like most people when they're arrested... Going along with the notion of "terrorism", is to go along with a notion that undermines the very fabric of the law that is in lace and to replace it with a new one that does not recognize the individual's liberty....Some might say that there's an obvious difference between a "terrorist" like on 9/11, and your average murderer, so they should and will be dealt with accordingly... But to that notion, I would interject the Boston Marathon bombing... Though three people tragically lost their lives and many others were injured, this was a relatively small scale event... It's not all that rare in a big city to have a crime committed where 3+ people die and others are seriously wounded, and the likely suspect is still at large... However, because this was labelled as "terrorism", they suspended the citizens constitutional liberties, literally brought in an army of troops in state issued tanks and armoured vehicles, and put an entire city under martial law, all to catch two guys who allegedly killed 3 people in a city of almost a million people...I also really like how the film gives the NWO cabal a fair chance to explain why they are driven to destroy us... I also like that they didn't paint the NWO cabal as some sort of cartoon-like entity... If you listen to some of the garbage that the globalist billionaires like Bill Gates spout, it sounds just like what the "dad/insider" in the movie says are their intended plans and motives... The director presented it fairly, which is what we need regarding such subjects, immediate debate...There's only 3 actors in this movie, and I thought two of them gave stellar performances... The performance that I thought was sub-par was that of Travis Fimmel who played "Lazerus Fell" (the son/main protagonist)...Still though, 10 out of 10 for telling the truth throughout the movie without drifting off into speculation or theory! 10 out of 10 for obviously getting the most out of what they had to work with! 10 out of 10 for having the balls to even make this film! 10 out of 10 for the overall effort put forth in the name of truth!!!!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED VIEWING!!! CULT CLASSIC!PS - Finishing it with the song "Bin Laden" by Immortal Technique (feat. Mos Def), that was also awesome and it fit perfectly!
Dyskolos I had a bad feeling about watching this (according to this awful rating) but I also thought this could be one of these few cases of raging viewers down-voting a good movie because of very personal reasons. And this seems to be the case.To be clear: My voting of 8/10 is based ONLY on the premise of viewing this as a total work of fiction loosely based on some facts. I understand that watching this movie as a person who was directly and personally affected by 9/11 probably makes said person quite angry. This movie could easily been seen as cheap propaganda, but i guess this was not really the intention.Long story short: This movie is very enjoyable if you like stage-play-like films where dialog is the main ingredient. Basically there is just a handful actors in one cheap location. But who cares if said dialog manages to keep you listening for the whole time? If you're open minded and like thought provoking films (even if they may be just propaganda): Watch it! You won't regret it.BTW I seldom review movies, only if i feel that a movie deserves it.
transoptical This movie needs to be seen by every human on the planet. Every so often Hollywood gets it canny and right and lets us in on the secret world of manipulation by powerful private factions in global economics and politics. Harodim follows in the footsteps of China Syndrome, Mickey One and Wall Street in showing us how the game is really played.In spite of the claustrophobic, stage play ambiance, Harodim is as riveting and compelling as any Lars Von Trier stage set piece. Peter Fonda is convincing and the revelatory nature of his role keeps his deadpan world weary character from predictability. Travis Fimmel must have taken time out from his smirking role in Vikings to make this film. His portrayal of slowly dawning enlightenment has its share of clichés, but this is more in the nature of the script than limitations of his craft. Michael Desante portrayal of Osama Bin Laden is authentic and lends the film its motivic rationale without any equivocation.
sol ***SPOILER*** After a 10 year search where he faked his death and left his family former Navy Seal Lazarus Fell, Travis Fimmel, has finally got the person who eluded him as well as the free world all these years the #1 terrorist in the world. No it's not Osama Bin-Laden but someone nameless who's at least 20 years younger and speaks perfect English played by actor Michael Desante! Holding Terrorist #1 hostage in this underground Vienna train station Lazarus gives him the business in how evil he is in being responsible for among other things the attacks on 9/11 that killed over 3,000 American citizens. It's when the totally unafraid of death and torture terrorist counterbalances Lazarus claims about him and his Al-Qeada terrorist organization that he suddenly starts to get second thought! Not just about what happened on 9/11 and who was behind it but everything that he's been thought in school as well as by his late Naval officer dad Solomon Fell, Peter Fonda, as being nothing but outright lies.Despite being considered fiction the movie brings out a number of very disturbing events that shock those of us watching it. And it's the captured terrorist who brings those events out so clearly and convincingly that he not only changes Lazarus's mind in killing him but in fact ends up strongly agreeing with him instead! The facts that the terrorist brings out in the open are so,or seem to be, factual that even us watching have trouble in disbelieving them.****SPOILERS**** The real kicker in the movie is Lazarus's dad Solomon Fell who in fact turned out to have survived the 9/11 attacks and pops up almost out of nowhere in the underground train station where his son & #1 Terrorist are staying. It's then that Solomon Fell lets out the truth of what's really going on in the world and why no one in power is willing or able to stop it. A truth so shocking as well as thought provoking that leaves you as well as by now the totally emotionally destroyed Lazarus wishing that you never heard it.