Happy, Happy
Happy, Happy
R | 20 December 2010 (USA)
Happy, Happy Trailers

A perfect housewife, who just happens to be sex-starved, struggles to keep her emotions in check when an attractive family moves in next door.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Nathan L Well, I'll try to elude subjective views as I lived in Sweden - I know this movie takes place in Norway, but anyone whom has lived in either of these countries would say that they are very similar culturally speaking.So, the main character is Kaja, a young, vivid women living with her husband and son in a remote place. Everything seems to be perfectly normal, in appearance... until a young couple coming from the city moves in next door.And then, the "faithful heterosexual family" norm is all falling apart, everybody is trying to get attention from the wrong person and it results VERY funny and critical regarding the so-called egalitarianism of Scandinavian countries.I recommend this movie to anyone who wants to have a laugh and open its mind.
thedelicatebeat I knew after the first 10 minutes that it was going to be pretty much like this for the entirety of the film. Sometimes, that's a good thing. In this case, no. Unless you enjoy uncomfortable domestic situations and people who are insecure and story lines that offer no relief. I'm sorry, but it's not entertaining, for one thing - but it's also not making a grande statement. It's just not pleasurable to watch. I guess, if I would say one thing, I feel bad that very fine actors were involved in this effort, mostly because the script left them nowhere interesting to go. It's definitely not a comedy in the sense that I was hoping for. Maybe Norwegians think this is hilarious? I'm not sure. But as an American who loves mostly foreign films, this one struck me as one to put back in the DVD box before I could make it to one laugh.
dario_malic Norwegian movie called "Sykt lykkelig" ("Happy Happy") tells the story of two couples. Kaja and Eirik rent a house to Elisabeth and Sigve. And madness ensues. Kaja and Eirik don't have the greatest relationship. They haven't had sex for over a year, Eirik wipes his lips after kissing Kaja and prefers watching men wrestle to spending time with his wife. It pretty soon becomes clear that he is gay but isn't able to admit it to her, or to himself. In spite of it all Kaja wants to be happy and tries as much as she can. When Elisabeth and Sigve, seemingly perfect couple, arrive, it makes Kaja more happy and more miserable at the same time. But things aren't as they seem. Elisabeth cheated on Sigve and their relationship is in a crisis too. Next thing you know, practically everybody tries to hit on everybody and at the end of it all they're back at the beginning. Almost."Sykt lykkelig" is a movie that celebrates love and happiness. It shows us how people can connect through time in ways they didn't even thought possible and that there are bonds which can hardly be broken. Elisabeth and Sigve cheated on each other more than once but realize that no one else can give them what they have with each other. They've been through so much together that they've become more than just a husband and wife. They are each other's past and present, they know one another the way no one else can know them and they are still in love. It's different with Kaja and Eirik. Although they're connected by strong bonds as well, Eirik never loved Kaja in a romantic way, and Kaja has never been happy as she can be. Nevertheless, she tried. And that optimism and wish for happiness were rewarded, albeit in a strange way. Eirik finally admitted his sexual orientation and enabled her to seek someone who can respond to all that she has to offer.There's also a subplot involving the sons of two pairs. Kaja and Eirik's son Theodor, and Elisabeth and Sigve's adopted son Noa. Noa is an African boy, and the subplot involves Theodor forcing him to pretend to be his slave and, however strange that may sound, boys bonding through master-slave game. I must admit I'm still not sure what's the purpose of that subplot. To me it seems useless, but maybe I'm missing the point.All in all it's a good movie trying to show what is insurmountable and what's not, in a romantic relationship. It also shows you that no matter what, you shouldn't lose your faith in happiness. If for no other reason, you should watch it because of that.http://onlineimpressions.blogspot.com/
OJT Sykt Lykkelig (in English translated to "Happy Happy") is a black comedy where a couple with an adopted kid move to a very rural part of Norway in the winter, after a decision from the husband. She has had an affair. They are overly welcomed by the main character Kaja, which is helplessly stupid when it comes to deal with her own problems, having been a girl with a troubled parent-less background. That seems also to be the reason she has married a high school boyfriend which obviously is the wrong match for her. These two couples, living in two neighboring houses soon is to ruin what is left to mess up in the new relationships. "Sykt lykkelig" is the debut of director Anne Sewitsky, well played by all actors. The film is chosen to attend Sundance Festival 2011, where it's likely to get praise due to it's oddness. It resembles some of the awkward moments in Sundance-acclaimed Little Miss Sunshine, though this film has less charm and is a much blacker comedy.A lot of comedy's love to give you awkward moments, though they often tend to be severely over-done. In Sykt Lykkelig the awkward moments pile up so that you hate it, while wanting to laugh. Funny? yes! But with a severe undertone. The film is light hearted, but is so often seriously meant, so it actually is a little problem for the viewer. I found myself mostly the only one laughing in the theater seeing it, in a crowd surprisingly mainly male, whilst the trailer seem to tell us this is more of a woman's movie.The film is advertised as a comedy about adultery, cottage cheese, blow jobs and elk-meat. Not a very good tag-line, if you ask me. I, however, choose to see the film as a black comedy taking up the problems of adultery, homosexuality, racism, love, loneliness, marriage-problems as well as the lack of understanding between men and women.A male gospel quartet gives us both the deeper thoughts, as well as giving an uplifting feeling when the characters in the movie pile up problems along the line. Thank God this is film. In the end the film gives hope, but loses track in it's own try of giving credibility. Even though this film gives mixed feelings, I can't help see some great acting here, as well as an interesting director. It has been a difficult film to act for the six persons. A kind of understatement humor, with a very black edge, giving a need for serious touch all the way. Sykt Lykkelig is a different film, and a film for those who'd like to be a fly on the wall, or a Peeping Tom.