NR | 27 September 1950 (USA)
Outrage Trailers

A young woman who has just become engaged has her life completely shattered when she is raped while on her way home from work.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
cwade22 I was going to give it 1 star, but I respect Ida lupino. One thing I really can't stand is Bad writing! The Female lead is running and all active, then she trips on a very small staircase, and just decides to go to SLEEP on the very hard platform! REALLY?! All she had to do was KEEP RUNNING! Writing that forces characters to do stupid things like run away from a man whistling, but she didn't just keep running, she had to keep stopping and hide. Dumb! Also, she was all energetic in her fleeing, but she tripped on Purpose, over a big garbage can! Then, she got in a truck and Honked the horn, ON PURPOSE! The acting was so bad and forced, but I couldn't discern if it was the bad writing leading the bad acting, or just these actors were so bad. I've been watching old tv shows lately. The concepts are nice, but the writing is Dumb! As if it were lazily written. Characters that are smart, doing dumb things because the writer had to finish the episode. Every time I see dumb writing and characters doing dumb things that contradict their normal behavior, I just repeatedly say aloud, "this show sucks. The writing sucks!" This film is old, but that's no excuse to have poor acting and poor writing! All the positive reviews seem to ignore the obvious flaws that ruin the film. How can ANYBODY watching make it past the Chase scene without asking questions and being confused as to how dumb She was?! Also, the Very loud Truck Horn didn't stop! Nobody bothered to stop it! An old man living in the building next to the loud truck horn Stuck his head out, then shut his window to go to sleep! REALLY?! I doubt his window could be that sound proofed to block out that loud horn sound! And he just closes the window?! WITHOUT GOING DOWN TO CHECK WHY THE HORN WAS GOING?! Really?! That detail is UNREALISTIC! I guess, if thatvold man went down to check the horn, he'd have PREVENTED the rape, and the movie wouldn't have happened. Still, spare us a dumb movie with unrealistic details. I'd rather there be no movie than force a movie, write unrealistic details and depict the characters as dumb. In what world is it smart for a girl to run away from a whistling man, INTO A DARK ALLEY?! She could've stayed on the street! Also, How did she pass out, all of a sudden, seconds after She was running?! To take this movie seriously is to dumb my brain down. I can't let pass certain details because details are like puzzle pieces! You can't just throw in a few pieces that don't fit, just to complete the puzzle piece count. If The girl were smarter, and She never ran into a dark alley, and that old man went down to check the truck, the movie would be more believable. Don't write details that make characters look dumb and careless! This female lead looked dumb and careless. This movie was about rape! Yet, I didn't pity the woman because she made the dumbest mistakes and the writing was so bad. How could the writing be this bad?! How can you write the girl to be so stupid, to run in a dark alley, or an old man to ignore the LOUDEST TRUCK HORN RIGHT OUTSIDE HIS WINDOW?! Somebody resurrect Ida Lupino, and get her to answer these questions, then get her to correct these very obvious flaws. I wanted to like the movie, but it didn't earn my respect. Future Writers, PLEASE LEARN FROM THIS FILM! Very good Concept, Very Bad writing. You can have the best concept ever, but Bad writing will Ruin it. Even with the best actors, it'd still be ruined. How can people just ignore these big details/flaws at the start?! If you watched Her running and kept asking "Why did she just do that, or go there, or fall down and go to sleep on that Very Hard Wooden Stage?!" You are not alone! And if you asked any of these questions, that makes it difficult to take this film seriously. I don't like my mind being insulted. Again, CONCEPT IS great! Writing and acting are VERY BAD!
calvinnme ... and a fairly accurate depiction of how people in 1950 would have reacted to her. Too many people - then and now - believe in "the just world syndrome " in which they believe that a completely innocent person going about their business could never be victim of such a brutal crime, because if they did believe this was possible, then it could happen to them, and that is just too upsetting to people who think they have a good bead on the world and how it runs.It's interesting that director Ida Lupino tackled this difficult subject with as much reality as was possible with the production code in force, and that she also picked as the protagonist of the film a girl that looked very much like herself as a young woman - Mala Powers, only 19 when this film was made.The basic framework is that Mala's character, Ann Walton, is attacked by a complete stranger late at night in a small town while walking home from work. The whole town thus knows what happened to her, she is subject to staring and whispering, and then her boyfriend thinks the answer is to get married right away. But Ann feels dirty and doesn't want any man to touch her, and halfway thinks her beau is proposing - and wanting a quick wedding out of town - out of pity for her and to make an honest woman of her, but without the curiosity seekers that a big wedding might attract.A real telling scene is when she goes around her house, touching objects, as though she is a ghost of herself trying to remember what things were like before, and comes across a picture of herself at her first communion all decked out in white and smashes the picture, as though any purity in her died with the rape.She runs away from home - she is a grown woman so she is missing more than she is truant - and tries to pick up the pieces of her life, but still with the image of the man who attacked her haunting her. Big doses of Christianity are injected as to the cure to everything - after all this is 1950 - but I also objected to the implication of all of society's ills as being psychiatric in nature. The preacher at the end is basically saying that Ann is as mentally sick as the rapist! This was decades before society had to admit that some people are just evil and want what they want when they want it and we just need to throw away the key for the sake of the rest of us.No, I don't agree with every little thing Lupino said here, or maybe was forced to say due to the times, but it is worth watching and not that far off, at least from what victims go through in this kind of crime.
ivegonemod I really enjoyed the movie until the rape. When the rapist was chasing Ann, I couldn't understand why she kept stopping to look around. She stopped about ten times, I just couldn't understand it. When she came across the taxi cab, she didn't scream bloody murder, maybe they would have stopped? Maybe not.I also did not like how they kept having her fall and pass out or whatever during the chase, and once more when she was "on the run." So many things annoyed me. I hated how the people in her neighborhood and at work kept looking at her like she had done something wrong because she had been raped, it could have been any one of those women or one of the men's female loved ones.After she runs away, and is at a diner, a radio broadcast comes on saying that she has been missing. She covers her face. Why? There was no description given out. She only drew attention to herself.During the movie she behaved like a nut. She sees a police officer and starts acting so strange it only makes you pay more attention. She acted like she was a child who could be forced to go back to her hometown instead of a grown woman who could live wherever she pleased.
JohnKyle Forget that this is a "B" movie. Forget that it is in many ways outdated. Instead give writer-director Ida Lupino much deserved credit for addressing a subject which at the time (1950) was taboo in Hollywood. To my knowledge, this was the first film to address the subject of rape and the emotional and mental effects that that crime has upon its victims.Although much of the cast's acting is pedestrian at best, Mala Powers, who at the time was eighteen or nineteen, gives an excellent performance throughout as the traumatized young woman, Ann, who tries to run away from her "shame." Based on her work in this film, I'm surprised that she did not have a more successful acting career. Tod Andrews, too, has some fine moments as the minister who reaches out to help her.Ms Lupino, obviously working on a limited budget, was still able to create some memorable scenes such as the pursuit through the streets and alleys leading to the rape, and the police lineup following it. And, she created a bittersweet ending which left me wondering if Ann really could ever have a normal life again.