Gyo: Tokyo Fish Attack
Gyo: Tokyo Fish Attack
R | 15 February 2012 (USA)
Gyo: Tokyo Fish Attack Trailers

To celebrate their graduation from university Kaori and her two friends visit Okinawa in southern Japan for a short vacation. At the vacation house, provided by Tadashi's uncle, a numbing stench awaits the girls, and can be traced to a horrendously deformed, legged fish that Kaori kills. More and more of these creatures appear and portend a horrific change for the animal life in the area. A phone call from Kaori's fiancé Tadashi in Tokyo quickly shows the scope of this epidemic, when he is also attacked by these mechanized fish. Kaori immediately sets out on an perilous voyage to find out what happened to Tadashi, helped by Shirakawa — a videographer in search of the truth behind all this...

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
capone666 Gyo: Tokyo Fish AttackThe reason why fish don't speak is they would drown every time they tried.Although verbal evolution is far-off, this anime confirms upward mobility is not.Graduates Aki, Erika and Kaori head to the seashore to celebrate their recent liberation from the classroom only to discover a freakish fish on the beach that has grown a pair of motorized legs.More ambulatory vertebrates soon appear on land, including a Great White Shark that stalks the sidewalks for its next meal.Time reveals the military's involvement in creating a self-perpetuating mechanism propelled by the death stench of its victims. The most bizarre aquatic tale to ever surface, this acutely drawn anime inspired by the multi- volume horror manga fails to deliver the unnerving scares of its muse, but it does feature the key moments that comprise its greatness.Incidentally, once they can ride a bike, these biped fish will dominate the Ironman Triathlon.Yellow
jessemobile1021 This movie's audience is obviously looking for more "Sharknado" than "Silence of the Lambs," and thats what it delivers: a silly, scary good time. It's creators push the boundaries of the B-movie genre to hilariously stupid limits. You don't watch a movie about fish with fart-powered spider legs and expect a philosophical mind- bender. This is a horror movie that a seven-year old boy would dream up.That being said, the film succeeds in creating more than just silly scares. Edge-of-your-seat terror is nicely punctuated by dark comedy in the first half. The second half mixes character development, conflicting origin theories, and post- apocalyptic thrills. All of this is accomplished while paying homage to slashers, body-horror, zombie movies, and even tentacle porn.No, this is not a movie to be watched with your parents. No, it has no relevance to serious film criticism. No, it is not a classic that I would watch multiple times. But it is a good movie that delivers on its promises, and then some. As a huge fan of horror and anime, I would certainly recommend this movie.
kosmasp An animated movie that does take environment very seriously. Japan is an island and therefor isolated. It also seems to heighten their fears and how they portray them. Another case in point is this movie. Just because it is animated though, doesn't mean it is child friendly. There is nudity, there is violence and there is body horror that Croneberg would be jealous of.Apart from things (machines) sticking things in human body parts (where they shouldn't be) and other out there ideas, you have to be pretty open minded to watch this movie. It's not great, but it has a message. Is that enough/sufficient for your viewing pleasure?
Xparasite I just don't get movies like this. Why make a movie based on a certain thing and then have such utter disrespect for that certain thing. Junji Ito is by far one of my favorite authors, and while Gyo is far from his best work it still was pretty good. It was Ito doing what he does best. Evoke an otherworldly feeling of terror and mixing that up with bizarre imagery. While this movie has some elements from the manga it completely lacks the essence. The world wide chaos is somewhat there and some of the imagery really lives up to the manga. But for the most part I just get the feeling this is based on a badly told resume rather than the manga itself. Characthers that where not even in the manga are added. Now that wouldn't be a problem if they actually did something useful to flesh out the story, but no. They are a complete waste of space. Only there to fill out key elements of the manga where they didn't belong in the first place. The characters that was in the manga are completely altered beyond recognition. Kaori and Tadashi even switch places in the chain of events that took place in the manga. Important pieces of the story are breezed over or just omitted. The sheer incompetence at work here just astounds me. As an adaption this fails miserably. Maybe you can enjoy it if you haven't read the manga. But as one who have I must say this one was just painful to watch. Some credit must be given to the animation witch at times is really great, apart from the cgi. I never was a fan of 3d animation. The sense of total despair and hopelessness as the army of fish is slowly taking over human territory is there. I just wish they could have at least tried to follow the manga better. A total waste of time if you have read the source material. I give it 2/10 and that's being generous.
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