| 07 May 1994 (USA)
Guinevere Trailers

As border wars break out in Camelot, the young princess Guinevere is taken to live in safety with the High Priestess L'Fei. When King Arthur claims the crown, Guinevere is promised to him and she must leave her true love, Prince Lancelot in order to unite the land. In a tale of honor, loyalty and the price of war, Guinevere is forced to choose between the only man she has ever loved and her duty to her kingdom.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Micitype Pretty Good
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Hanngall Well, I was hoping for a Joan of Arc ( Saving Britian, as a girl in armour, instead of France ) version of Boorman's Excalibur from 1981 but this is something different. It is still magical, in a make "make love, not war" way. Especielly during one of the last scenes, when she comes down the hill in the white dress. I was awaiting for something more like Rohirrims charge in The Two Towers,Otherwise, the scenery was very beautiful and the music worked well with the movie. The castle looks like a very small version of the worlds biggest castle Malbork, in Poland which is one thing I love about this movie. The battle music was kind of dull ( lack of power, no charisma ) but good in a odd way. The scene when Arthur is charging into the fray reminds me of the opening scene of Excalibur 1981. So I watch that scene before i watch the opening in Excalibur, it becomes way more epic, I mean like listening to weak song cover than hearing the glorious cover.I watched it mostly because I love the Medieval times and because I like Sean Patrick Flanery as an actor. He was quite good and youthful in this, with quotes like "We got these new things called crossbows". But he has no king-like charisma, just the "polite and good looking frat boy who likes to fight". One thing I didn't like was how he removed his gloves in two scenes, since he was talking, it made his line delivery odd and rushed. I will give this 6/10 A good movie if you like make love not war but it is nothing compared to Braveheart or Excalibur, it is something unique,thus I am remembering it due to it's uniqueness.
Havan_IronOak The story of Camelot as told through a haze of Eostrogen. It seems that Guinevere was the real hero of Camelot. She was a self sacrificing leader driven by her desire to unite Britain in an era of prosperity and peace. All that stands in the way are these nasty men....Even Morgan LaFey has been given an update and is not as evil as she is usually portrayed. Overall I enjoyed this version, and who's to say it's not a truer version of the real events. At least in this version Arthur's and Lancelot's love of Guinevere is motivated and explained and they are both easy on the eyes.
gazineo-1 This one is maybe the worst movie ever made about the eternal legend of Camelot and the King Arthur. Bad direction, a cast who seems lost and trying to live a distant experience. The main lines of the legend are equally mistreat here and the relationship between Queen Guinevere and Lancelot goes against the common version. A great waste of time. Anyway, Donald Pleasance is always a delight to see. I give this a 3(three).
Crowbot-2 I was coming down from a hangover state when I saw this movie ... and it still couldn't satisfy me. I thought it would be good. The cast looks fine, and the story was one that I could of gotten very interested in. Instead I get a piece of low budget junk used to fill in a rained out game slot. Bad acting, an even worse script, and enough British ethnical slurs to start a war. Though I gave it a 2/10, because this is probably the most accurate movie ever made that was based on the story.