| 11 July 2006 (USA)
Grilled Trailers

Maurice and Dave sell high-end cuts of beef, but after hitting a patch of no sales, they're facing being fired. Maurice needs money to enroll in his final semester of acupuncture school, and the recently-separated Dave needs money for his daughter's birthday gift. Their final client card—a beautiful woman—is attracted to Maurice, but a desperate call from a suicidal friend interrupts her signing the contract. Still hoping to close the sale, they offer to drive her to the friend's house—where their troubles multiply.

Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Scotty Burke It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
FlashCallahan Maurice and Dave sell high-end cuts of meat, but they've hit a patch of no sales, and they're facing being fired. Maurice needs money to enrol in his final semester of acupuncture school, and Dave needs money for his daughter's birthday. Their final client, a beautiful woman opens the door, and they are about to seal the deal, but a desperate call from a suicidal friend interrupts her signing the contract. Still hoping to close the sale, Maurice and Dave offer to drive her to the friend's house, and there, troubles multiply. Facing guns, hit men, and women's secrets, a sale is the farthest thing from their minds......A vehicle for two of the biggest names in American TV comedy at the time, it seems like it was a huge Mis-step having them star in a more adult orientated comedy, rather than a cutesy throwaway family comedy that would have at least been successful.But they wanted to try something different, and while it works to some extent, you can see why the film is a complete mess.There's no coherency to the plot or narrative, and we have James falling over all the time (because hey! Fat people are funny), and Romano trying to be the charming one, but he comes across as a complete creep.Reynolds, Coates, and Lewis make up the great support, but all in all its a watchable mess.Very undercooked.
xredgarnetx GRILLED predictably sat on the shelf for a time before finally being released direct to video. Better it should have stayed buried. TV actors Ray Romano and Kevin James play a pair of underhanded meat salesmen (the movie tagline says it all) who run afoul of gangsters, a smoking hot transsexual and assorted and sundry goofballs and fools. Juliette Lewis plays a suicidal bimbo and Sofia Vergara is Romano's fleeting love interest. Burt Reynolds and Jon Polito are also along for this wildly uneven ride. What a disaster. Everyone involved in this should be ashamed. Unearthly beauty Vergara is the only reason to watch even five minutes of this.
gandalf_a_1999 This is a movie without a single laugh. Two meat salesman who have fallen into a slump are about to get fired unless they make some sales.After many leads gets them nothing, they have a chance with an attractive woman who seems more interested in Romano. By this time the movie's thin plot is losing interest, and the only way to liven it come some hit men. As a fan of Ray Ramano's and having enjoyed Welcome to Mooseport which had some laughs and of course his Raymond sitcom, this movie was disappointing.
Dave McCall Ray Romano is hilarious. Kevin James is hilarious. Put the two together and you get a hilarious movie, right? Not exactly. This was just not the right movie for either of them. None of the real-life comedy of Everybody Loves Raymond. None of the charm of Hitched. Just a couple of funny guys not being funny. It was really just kind of sad.The plot was weak. The situations weren't believable. The characters weren't interesting and the comedy was too dark. Both these actors are at their best when they're lovable doofuses. I didn't like either of these guys. I wanted them to lose.If you choose to check this movie out anyway, be prepared for a dark comedy. Be prepared for these actors to play characters you wouldn't expect.Hope this doesn't discourage them from trying again. They could be really excellent together.