Go Chase Yourself
Go Chase Yourself
| 22 April 1938 (USA)
Go Chase Yourself Trailers

When a bank is robbed, a not-so-bright teller is wrongly suspected of being part of the holdup team. Comedy.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
JohnHowardReid Warner Archive had high hopes when they released "The Lucille Ball RKO Comedy Collection" on print-on-demand DVD in 2011, but I'm told that sales so far have been "very disappointing" considering Lucille's super-popularity. Although filmed on a generous but firmly "B" budget, "Go Chase Yourself" comes to a really slam-bang climax which certainly made me delightfully dizzy. The rest of the movie wasn't bad either. Admittedly, Joe Penner does takes at least a reel or so to start putting his comedy across effectively and Miss Ball is forced to play in his shadow until she suddenly asserts herself about halfway through; but once Ball and director Eddie Cline finally get into stride about the halfway mark, and the fur really starts flying, the movie becomes very entertaining indeed - though I'm tempted to add despite the presence of Mr. Penner! Admittedly his timing improves. But does this happen because he actually does lift his game but simply because we get used to his lack-luster personality?
mark.waltz Years before becoming the comic foil to husband Desi Arnaz Sr. on "I Love Lucy", that fabulous redhead Lucille Ball got to be the frazzled spouse of a dizzy husband, here the squeaky voiced Joe Penner, the Adam Sandler of his day. In a series of programmers at RKO from 1936 to 1940, this radio comic tried but failed to establish himself as a top film comic. This is one of his more enjoyable programmers where he plays a bubble-headed bank clerk who wins a trailer which he decides to sleep in after a fight with wife Ball. A group of bank robbers (lead by the always villainous Bradley Page) steal the trailer with the sleeping Penner still inside, taking him on the ride of his life. Of course, Ball ends up in the trailer (something which would chase her in several other films) and the trailer gets loose from its car on a mountain road where it is in danger of going over the side. There's enough laughs to make this a tad better than the many other comic programmers, but Lucy fans would have to wait a while to see her become the most beloved bubble- head on a new medium where she became the most famous female comic in entertainment history.
Jake Silly but amusing comedy built around radio comic Joe Penner as a stupid bank clerk who becomes involved in a bank robbery when he wins a trailer in a lottery. Some good gags - I like the one where Joe pulls up to a gas station with the trailer and no car - and able support from people like Lucille Ball as Joe's wife, and Friz Feld as a fortune hunting Casanova, make this a breezy way to spend 70 or so minutes. Pity other more "important" pictures weren't as enjoyable.
Murphy-2 While this may not be the greatest movie ever, it is a lot of fun to watch. Joe Penner is hilarious, and Lucille Ball is also great. It's too bad Mr. Penner had to die so young, he was a bit of a comic genius. If you like good clean family fun, then this is a movie not to be missed.