Girl Play
Girl Play
| 11 July 2004 (USA)
Girl Play Trailers

Two real-life lesbian actresses meet by chance when they are cast as lovers in a local stage play, and end up actually falling in love. Robin, who is married to her girlfriend for half a dozen years, and Lacie, someone who never had a lasting relationship, are both cast to play lesbian lovers in a Los Angeles stage play. Innocently, the stage director, Gabriel runs the actresses through a series of rehearsals designed to "bring out the intimacy" in each performer. Soon the two women find themselves increasingly and undeniably attracted to each other and overcome with desire. They must ask themselves whether this relationship is manufactured, created for the sake of the "girl play", or is true love.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
jenny-203 Hey everyone, I just saw this fantastic film at Melb Queer Film Festival last night. Definitely my pick for best film. I loved the music, but forgot to write down the name of the female singer who sung most of the original songs on the soundtrack.I found it eerie and beautiful the way the story captured so much of how it feels to be me, how several of the conversations held between the characters are exact replicas of conversations I've had, exact replications of feelings I've had.Well worth seeing, heck I want to see it again! Does anyone know if this will be available on DVD in Australia any time soon?Cheers
kk88 I laughed, I cried, it was much better than "Cats." ;) This film is so refreshing and unique and so beautifully shot as well! A film about real women with really deep and moving stories. All with the main story of a journey to finding a healthy soul mate is one very inspirational cup of tea in my book. I look forward to being able to purchase this film to enjoy again and again. For me, this film's philosophical interludes intertwined with its humorous anecdotes of the ups and downs of coming to grips with what one "should" do about love vs. what one's deeper core yearns and ultimately must order to connect with a more true-to-heart soul mate and the fears, joys, pleasures and passions that such may bring...I'm very grateful and inspired with such a beautiful story. Thank you.
fresands2002 I saw this movie at OutFest in Los Angeles and I have to say as one of the few straight white males in the audience I couldn't have been more involved in the "characters" (in quotes since the movie is based on the actresses' life stories) and their stories. The filmmakers have done such a fantastic job of bringing these women's life stories to 'life' on the big screen in a compelling and hysterical way. I found myself laughing uncontrollably at the situations these women find and get themselves into. But, I was also really impressed at how I was able to relate to their lives and saw similarities to things in my own life. It's pretty amazing that no matter what your race, gender or sexual preference there are moments and things we all go through. But, no matter how poignant and real the story was the most important thing for me was how funny it was. Lacie and Robin's situations and stories are just FUNNY AS HELL and the scenes with Dom DeLuise and his assistant are some of the funniest moments I've seen in a movie theater in a long while. Not to give anything away but the scene with Robin and her mom (played terrifically by Mink Stole) was not only real and but absolutely hilarious. I was completely captivated and really loved this movie from start to finish. I can't wait til it comes out in theaters so I can see it again.
junecatpower As in ZERO chance of crossing over to anyone who wasn't in the cast or crew of this arrogant little video that is completely full of itself. Most of the video consists of one of the two 'unfunny-comedians turned untalented-actresses' standing on a stage talking to an empty audience -- a sign perhaps?-- and smirking at their own jokes. Robin Harmon and Lacy Greenspan's performances are so terrible that the poor editor often has to cut in the middle of WORDS. How can a person standing on a stage be that hard to videotape? This is basic stuff but vision less direction and bland acting make for an endless night of awkwardly paced and over edited monologues. It mostly feels like the movie is just complaining at you. Razzie winner Dom Deluise appears in it just long enough to show us why he can't get acting gigs. His scene was so obviously shot separate from everything else. It felt like he was just there to pay off some kind of favor.The whole mess looks like it's shot on home video and mostly sounds like it was recorded on an answering machine. The script is awful. When it isn't congratulating itself with annoying in jokes, it takes tired -- mostly offensive -- pot shots at "aggressive" lesbians, "meddling" Jewish women, and "swishy" gay men. Welcome to the 21st century, where just saying 'it's a lesbian movie' isn't enough. We lesbians want our movies to be about something. This might have been a minor accomplishment 20 years ago -- minus the mean spirited antisemitic and homophobic stereotypes -- but amateur director Lee Freelander is simply out of her league. She tries to stage dated clichés and pretends they're revolutionary. She REALLY pats herself on the back with the longest most boring, sexless, sex scene ever put on video. Lesbians have needs!We have amazing, funny, complex and powerful lesbian-themed indie films like 'Monster' 'DEBS' 'The Politics of Fur' and hit shows like 'The L Word' and 'Six Feet Under' so thank goodness we are no longer forced to put up with garbage like 'Girl Play.' This is easily the worst 'lesbian movie' ever made (and I sat through 'Cat Woman') AVOID THIS VIDEO! Stay home and argue with your girlfriend for free.