Ghosts Don't Exist
Ghosts Don't Exist
R | 01 January 2010 (USA)
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A renowned television ghost hunter loses faith in what he believes and is about to retire; when he agrees to take one last case from a client who guarantees he'll provide the proof he's looking for.

Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
foxyglamarchist Very good film. The popularity of ghost hunting shows has spawned a number of bloody treatments that frankly have been good fun. I initially thought it was going to be of the ghost hunting show finds real ghosts and the ghosts kill them genre. The End. Instead I was treated to a pretty skeptical treatment of the whole phenomena of haunting and ghosts. It's a nice change of pace from the usual fare and the film does a nice job of showing that pseudoscience kills. When watching something like Ghost Hunters or Paranormal State the EVP sessions always drive me up a wall because all I hear is static. I enjoyed the fact that all the EVP's they do in the film are just static or a hallucination of some kind. The best part of those shows is credulous people hanging out in the dark, in a reportedly haunted house, who then proceed to scare the crap out of each other. The film does a great job capturing that aspect of ghost hunting. If you like yelling "That's not an orb it's a moth!" at the TV you will like this movie. Ignore the bit of Woo at the end.
coppernight72 This film in my opinion and those that watched with me, unfortunately fails On most levelsOf Basic film making. Story, sound, editing, lighting all need to review the basics again before embarking on any more film projects. The film at best comes across as unbalanced, random and bumpy. We were lost as far as the story goes and the tension is dissolved due to a lack of long, unemotional cuts which dissolve any attempt to build up some sort of thrill or drama. I will at least give credit to the fact that the production seems to have been funded enough to make a film as big as this one based on the endless list if credits that run when it finally ends. I know this might come across as bitter but we did give it a chance and struggled through to the end in hopes of something remotely scary, but in the end it is 2 hours we will never get back.
moviecriticlaguna83 I was expecting this to be awful after reading some of the reviews. I finally got the movie from Netflix and I was surprised. I had low expectations but I also understand it was a low budget. Acting is hit or miss but the story is what kept me watching. It could've been scarier but there were some creepy moments. I enjoyed the twist, but other than that, it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be.I had to rewind some parts to understand what the significance was of some parts. The suicides in the home from the funeral owner weren't really explained in the end. It's one of those movies that doesn't tie everything up nicely but rather leaves you asking more questions, which sometimes can be intriguing.
ravenfaust So i thought this movie would be good, it started out okay, but as the movie progressed you were left thinking is this a joke? It made me feel as if the director wanted to make ghost hunters look like fools. The basic story was a team of ghost hunters go to see a man , who shoots himself in front of them, claiming to give them what they wanted.. A ghost hunt, come to find out the house has a Carbon Monoxide leak which makes the team go crazy and try to kill one another..End of story horrible film in my opinion , it left you with the thought of this can't be a true film, it has to be a mockumenty for real ghosthunters.. awful just plain awful!
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