Gayniggers from Outer Space
Gayniggers from Outer Space
| 01 January 1992 (USA)
Gayniggers from Outer Space Trailers

Extraterrestrial beings travel the galaxy to free men "oppressed" by females to make way for an entirely-homosexual society.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Dave This is hilarious! It's the funniest science fiction comedy film that I've ever seen. The title of the film and of the characters are comedy genius!It deserves to be remade as a high-budget feature film. Imagine how great it would be with Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock and Will Smith playing lead roles!
xiss23 Can honestly say "gay n* from outer space" is a better film than "Django Unchained":a) it handles the delicate racial and social matters more gracefully and realistically b) it has better acting c) the plot is more believable d) the soundtrack is better (I might remix it into jungle- breakcore, especially the orchestral tetris bits) e) the violence is less gratuitous and more fits the theme of the film which is gayniggers from outer space eradicating womankind to create a utopia. Overall I'd rate this film as more politically correct, also it doesn't have Leonardo Di Caprio in it.
EVOL666 How could you not want to see a film titled GAYN!GGERS FROM OUTER SPACE? I'd like to thank one of my sources for dropping this obscure little film on my doorstep - I may not have heard of it otherwise. A light-hearted and truly funny STAR TREK-ish parody - this one is a fun way to blow (hee-hee) a half-hour...A group of gay, black, space-travelers (hence the title...) with such colorful names as Captain B. Dick, Sergeant Shaved Balls, and ArmInAss, come across the planet earth and decide to rid the planet of women as a means to free their male "brothers". Their mission takes them to the Ukraine, Bejing, and Hamburg, where they evaporate the female population with ray-guns...GAYN!GGERS FROM OUTER SPACE is not nearly as offensive or risqué as the title sounds. There's no gay-action in the film, and the whole thing is handled as a very light comedy. Not a masterpiece of film-making by any means - but an obscure and amusing short-film that definitely has the best title of any film ever made. Give this one a look if you get the chance...8/10
manzano13215 Well, what can i say about this movie. I'm speechless. I could go on about how stupid this movie is forever though the one thing that REALLY pi*sed me off was the music. And to top it all off someone commented on how much they LIKED it. To them all I have to say is that it was ripped off from one of the best martial arts movies of all time Fistsof fury starring Bruce Lee. IF he was still alive and ever came across this movie he'd be horrified. the rest of the movie is absolutely ridiculous and a waste of tape. I say tape because a movie like that couldn't possibly have been shot on film.I now feel more stupid for wasting 30 minutes of my life watching it. The only reason why i even saw it was because my roommate downloaded it out of morbid curiosity. What is this world coming to.
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