Gate II
Gate II
R | 28 February 1992 (USA)
Gate II Trailers

It's been five years since Terry's friend Glen discovered The Gate to hell in his backyard. Glen has now moved away and Terry begins practicing rituals in Glen's old house and eventually bringing back demons through The Gate and leading to demoniac possession and near world domination.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
sol- While it never once achieves the pure creepiness of the original, this inevitable sequel to 'The Gate' is more palatable than one might expect. Michael Nankin and Tibor Takács (who wrote and the directed the first film) smartly take the material in a refreshing new direction here with a now older Terry willfully re-summoning the demons under the belief that he can manipulate them to grant wishes. The mythology driving this plot deviation is never too well explained, but there are several great moments as he manages to capture one such demon and keep it in a cage (the special effects for the creature are phenomenal). The film also manages to achieve lots of laughs thanks to some deft black comedy as it turns out that all the wishes the creature grants are only ever temporary. A French restaurant scene is especially funny as two bullies who have stolen the creature see their wishes turn inside out, one of them having to wipe away excrement that used to be money, while the other finds his face oozing like crazy - all this much to the bafflement of the posh restaurant staff. Unfortunately the film looses its way towards the end with an over-the-top ancient ritual battle/climax that lacks the subtlety of the film's earlier special effects; the upbeat ending is also terribly jarring. For the most part though, this is as wildly inventive a sequel as one could ever really hope for.
Abztraakt While this movie could have been much better, it is what you might expect for a low budget sequel to a b-movie. With that being said, I think the film recalls enough of the charm that made the first a borderline cult classic to hold the interest of those who were fans of the original. One returning character, one returning plot line, one returning minion. So for fans, its a nice hidden rental when your Netlflix Que runs low on must-sees, especially if there other fans out they're like me who didn't even know there was a sequel. I happened to be looking to rent the original and saw this as well. It sat at the bottom of my list for a while but finally I decided to give it a chance and while not blow away, I was satisfied enough by the nostalgic cheesiness this film provided.
Backlash007 ~Spoiler~ The Gate II is one of the most unnecessary sequels in all of our genre. As is evident within the movie, there is no story to continue. They just made stuff up. The movie centers on a group of kids (one of whom is Louis Tripp from the first film) who conjure a demon, capture him, and use him to grant wishes. Of course, the wishes eventually turn to crap. Literally. What this has in common with The Gate, I don't know? Let me just say when the only returning cast member is not a good actor nor the hero of the first movie, you're in trouble. And what really shocks me is that the original writer and director are both on board. That's very unusual and rarely results with a movie this inept (of course there is The Hills Have Eyes 2). I don't count The Gate II as a wasted opportunity, it's just a waste period. It never should have been made.
brandonsites1981 Totally unneccessary and unwarrented sequel to the original was originally made in 1989, but not released untill 1992! This film follows the basic formula as the original. Kids open up gate to hell and must battle off demons. The only difference being that this time around the demon grants wishes. The special effects continue to be the highlight of this series, but still are nowhere near as good as the original.Rated R; Violence.