NR | 24 January 2010 (USA)
Gasland Trailers

It is happening all across America-rural landowners wake up one day to find a lucrative offer from an energy company wanting to lease their property. Reason? The company hopes to tap into a reservoir dubbed the "Saudi Arabia of natural gas." Halliburton developed a way to get the gas out of the ground-a hydraulic drilling process called "fracking"-and suddenly America finds itself on the precipice of becoming an energy superpower.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
SnoopyStyle Documentarian Josh Fox takes a look at the new phenomenon of fracking. The oil and gas industry has developed hydraulic drilling to inject a mix of water and chemicals into the ground and fracturing rock releasing the natural gas stored. President Bush and Dick Cheney signed bills to exempt the practice from environmental laws like the Safe Drinking Water Act. Fox is offered around $100k to lease his remote family Pennsylvanian home. He goes and finds rural residents that have suffered from contaminated water believed to be the result of the fracking. This movie is definitely one-sided. It's part-investigative and part-advocacy. He plays the little guy angle to its utmost. One thing that can't be denied is that this started a conversation. The burning water visual cannot be ignored.
CorumJI The mindless zombies supporting this twaddle are going to tell you everyone who debunks this crap is in the pay of someone with an interest in promoting fracking. They SAY you should just research for yourself, but they will then TELL you that anyone who calls them "fools" is just lying. Ask yourself a simple question: Are there not jobs to be had working for environmental organizations? Is there not a tremendous amount of money in the Green Lobby, as well? So don't buy their garbage that they are any more honorable and forthright than their opposition. They have money and jobs on the line, too. They have an AGENDA, just as much as the oil companies.And DO do your own research. Here's one from a site the anti-frackers deprecate as "in the pay of the oil companies"... -- yes, PICTURES from BEFORE any of the fracking was started showing that the groundwater there was ALREADY highly flammable... exactly as has been claimed by the companies under attack.
Daniel Lopatinksy Film maker Josh Fox embarks on a journey around America to revile the lies and corruption behind oil drilling. Big oil companies developed a horizontal drilling technique into shale formations known as slickwater fracking or hydraulic fractioning. Using this method they found a natural gas reserve that some experts call an ocean. The Shale stretches from New York to Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia. In order to drill on peoples land the gas company offered to pay 4,725 dollars an acre of land. Josh had nineteen and half acres which came to nearly hundred thousand dollars. An offer that is hard to refuse. The thing about natural gas is that it is publicized as a clean burning alternative to oil and coal so why is it a bad thing to drill and use this gas to fuel America? And the answer is simply the process the companies use to extract to gas. The 2005 energy bill passed in congress by former vice president Dick Cheney exempted the companies from the safe drinking water act, clean air act, clean water law, superfund law, and nearly another dozen other environment protection ordinances. After the bill was passed 32 states are being drilled on. Using cheap methods and hazards chemicals, 595 to be specific, the first sign of distress to the populated areas was the contamination of their water wells. People became ill, and water started to bubble fizz as it poured out of the faucet. Residents who lived in the same area for over forty years started to experience this problem only after the drilling process. Another sign was animals started to lose hair, vomit and become terminally ill. The most astonishing thing was a family in Pennsylvania that could actually set their water on fire. Straight from the faucet with no alterations the slightest flame ignites all the water. After countless of visits from multiple scientists to test the water none put the blame on the gas companies. Some even went as far to say that the water is still drinkable. A spokesman from EPA, the environment protection agency, came out and spoke of a giant cover up the organization was committing. An unmoral vision from the society that must sole mission is to protect the environment. In Wyoming there is land called the BLM, bureau of land management. In other words this land is intended for public use. It is public land for you and I alike and to do whatever we please. Unfortunately it sits on huge shale which Dick Cheney acquired through shady deals. This marks as one of the biggest public land to privet hands transaction in the history of America. Even of all the chemicals poising people there still the factor of the dangers from drilling gas. There are countless of stories of explosions and fires. The heat alone evaporates the chemicals and people lose their sense of smells, taste, and develop aches and pains all thought their bodies. The process of urbanization requires the needs of raw material. As the population crows and cities grow, natural gas is just one of those factors that are inevitable. It is true that fracking is hazardous to the environment but it is a give and take relationship in order to modernize. If the government decides to power our electricity plants to supply us with the wonders of internet, light, and technology, natural gas will be a cleaner way to achieve that. My personal opinion is that technology will ultimately correct the problems with harnessing energy in a cheap cost efficient method. Just ten years ago phones weren't even built with colored screens. Now we can control the internet with a few simple touches on our smart phones. Maybe there will be a way to modernize the urban areas without all the harm of hydraulic fracking. Only time will tell. Josh Fox presented and excellent documentary that highlighted all the hazards of fracking. Unfortunately I felt he was a little one sided. He never explained more in depth of the positives the natural gas is allowing Americans. Never went into depth about actions gas companies went to control or regulate the process. He present very strong and well thought out arguments. Overall this was a great documentary.
phillip-bolton The problem with a "docmentary" like this is that the left which unfortunately mostly makes up the environmental movement these days will watch this and assume that it's entirely factual. They want to believe that natural gas companies and corporations in general just want to make money and exploit people and the land. Although this can certainly happen Fracking is a way that companies have figured a way to safely bring natural gas form the earth and help meet our country's growing energy needs. There's no evidence that fracking pollutes the water supply and the head of the EPA- no Conservative- has said this also. The dramatic scene in this movie where the water faucet lights on fire has been proved to be fraudulent. Natural occurring methane gas made this happen, not fracking. Impressionable uninformed people will also watch this movie and assume it's all true. More people watch HBO than AXS TV, where a brand new documentary has just come out debunking this fraud of a movie and making some very positive points in favor of fracking. It's called FrackNation, please watch it get another point of view. Then, make up your own mind. Don't let left wing fascists like Josh Fox make your mind up for you.