Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father
Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father
NR | 31 October 2008 (USA)
Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father Trailers

In 2001, Andrew Bagby, a medical resident, is murdered not long after breaking up with his girlfriend. Soon after, when she announces she's pregnant, one of Andrew's many close friends, Kurt Kuenne, begins this film, a gift to the child.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
meg I highly recommend watching this film with a loved one so you have someone to hold and use as a human tissue, rather than seeing it all by yourself cold and alone on a laptop at 2am like i in peace andrew and zachary bagby. everyone should see this film; those who grew up here in newfoundland, and especially those suffering from suicidal thoughts. nothing but love for kathleen and david bagby. god help us all.
colin Bradley This Documentary ranks in the top 3 documentaries of all time next to 'Thin Blue Line' and 'Man on Wire'. Some people may dispute my top 3 list, however I will argue why I think that Dear Zachary is better than the other two. Thin Blue Line was notable for exonerating a man from a wrongful conviction. Man on Wire is a real life heist movie with an incredible story about the World Trade Towers in New York.Dear Zachary encompasses two themes that mirror the aforementioned and combine into a greater narrative: the story of an evil murderous woman who was never properly convicted and a story of several terrible crimes that went unpunished and lead to the exposure of major dysfunction in the Canadian justice/legal system. This documentary is not for the weak of heart but for those interested in the film aspects, it is evident that the filmmaker has made a painstaking effort to assemble footage in a way that hurt his very soul to share with you. A more honest documentary has never been made.
reviews1958 I've seen very many documentaries but this one will stay with me until it's time for me to check out of Planet Earth. I have never cried like I did during this. I will always cry when I think about this. Like all others have said don't read anything about the details before watching this superb documentary. I am estranged from my son and my god I so wish that is all the Bagby's had to deal with. I will write Parliment. I will share this with every individual I know to watch this documentary and act.My statement on celebrities in the title of this review means this - if every celebrity who thinks they need to stick their uneducated two cents worth in about politics, environmental issues, and immigration of illegals would simply sit down and watch this documentary their voices could actually be used for something worthwhile in bringing attention to the injustice demonstrated in this documentary. I challenge all of them. Clooney, Jolie, Pitt, Munn, the list goes on and on.
sramirez-15582 The writer did a good job with this documentary originally made for Zachary. He is no professional but his heart was in this completely. He wrote it with such Love that it left me with no choice but to Fall in Love with this precious family. My heart breaks for the the grandparents as their lives were shattered by a great loss not once but twice. I hope the Judicial system has been bettered after this Heartbreaking tragedy. I have recommended this film to many friends and family, it has humbled me and taught me to be appreciative of my family and to hug my little ones closer. This is a definite watch for everyone, I really wish it were just a well thought up movie and not the harsh reality of the screwed up judicial system not only in Canada but in the USA as well..
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