| 13 November 2007 (USA)
G.P.S. Trailers

College friends embark on a GPS treasure hunt in search of money. Instead of finding buried treasure, they find a buried coffin that contains photos of a kidnapped woman and GPS coordinates that lead deeper into the forest. Are the photos real or part of a game?

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
GazerRise Fantastic!
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
GL84 After agreeing to participate in a GPS-based treasure-hunt, a group of friends out in the woods find themselves targeted by a vicious killer with a personal vendetta against one of the members of the group, forcing them to find a way of stopping them before they succumb to his murderous antics.This was a decidedly unspectacular slasher, without a whole lot to really get worked up over here, with the worst part being that there's not a whole lot of opportunity to really ratchet up the excitement level due to the way it presents itself. With the majority of the first hour taken up by the group's feelings with each other, the game-play and dealing with being out in the woods with something creepy lurking around the fringes of everything without doing anything about it, the film is just barely watchable during this half since we get very little indication we're watching a slasher, and it's pretty boring before it switches over in the last act with some decent stalking, a few decidedly-fun kills and the payoff to the half-hearted build-up being fine if drawn-out somewhat, but overall this one just isn't all that great.Rated R: Graphic Language, Violence and Nudity.
doomer-9 I normally refer to user write-ups and use them to assist me in choosing a fun film to watch. Sometimes the reviews are spot-on, and sometimes it almost seems like someone has coerced their friends to write up a bunch of misleading and plain false reviews to artificially inflate the films review score. I think this may have been done here. If that is not that case, then this is one Ed Wood fan that has found a film that he is just too picky for...Daniel Magill's character, Andrew, while seeming somewhat whiny stands above the rest of the cast that come across as amateur actors putting together a college film during a long weekend. I am sure they will improve upon their craft as they garner experience, and I wish them all the luck. However, it's painfully obvious here that they have a long way to go.This is one of those movies that reminds you of the worst of the "Scream" series of movies, just without the polish. If you go by the some of these other "reviews" here, you will be misled. This movie is an absolute turkey. Reader beware!
shane_daugherty Very surprised at the quality of this movie, creative script, quality actors and creative direction make for a great treat in Cinema. The common comment that was made came out of the theater the comment was "Not your typical movie", is what makes this film stand out from the pack. Go see it and enjoy, you will be glad you did!!!One of the true enjoyments of this film was the pre-release activity that was generated. The story begins with a series of games and hunts all over the USA (possibly world) to get you into the film, the characters and story. Very entertaining and a step in the right direction, this will not be last we see of this concept it is a definite platform for future films to learn from.
lkazen I was happily surprised with this film. I went into the theater expecting lower grade cinematography, choppier scene sequences, and amateur acting but all those expectations were quickly crushed. The movie opened with an attention getting chase scene and kept me interested with twists and turns and a splash of comedy. What seemed to be an innocent enough GPS treasure hunt film turned into an intriguing who done it and… I couldn't figure it out! In one scene I was laughing and in the next I was chomping on my M&Ms waiting for the next big thrill.The music choices were good and the action scenes were even better. The editing was unreal… seamless… at one point the film shows silhouettes of the actors against the forest background reflecting back on events… this was my favorite part and showed how well made this low budget film was. Hats off to the writers and director - I recommend this film 100% and will definitely see it again.