G | 18 May 1986 (USA)

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Fuzzbucket Trailers

In the vein of "Harvey", an invisible creature befriends a 12 year old boy. Of course, no one else can see him nor believes in him.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
a_chinn Oddball episode of The Wonderful World of Disney from the 80s that I caught on TCM as part of a double feature with Disney's original version of "Pete's Dragon." Both films feature a young boys with an invisible friend no one else believes is real. Compared to "Pete's Dragon," this film is more "Harvey" in that for most of the story you don't know if this it's an imaginary friend or if Fuzzbucket is real (because what self-respecting creature would name itself Fuzzbucket). This episode was written and directed by Mick Garris, who was a regular writer on Steven Spielberg's "Amazing Stories" (he'd later go on to create the brilliant "Masters of Horror" anthology series) and this episode feels very much in the vein of Spielberg's series, primary telling family friendly Twilight Zone-style of stories. The cast includes a few recognizable faces, including Joe Regalbuto (Frank from "Murphy Brown"), John Vernon (Deal Wormer from "Animal House"), and an unrecognizable Phil Fondacaro (the troll from "Troll") as Fuzzbucket. Nothing brilliant, but it's likable and will entertain.
graywolf44 This was a great movie for family to watch.It is about a little creature that can only be seen by a young boy. Fuzz Bucket lives in the little boys tree house. This movie is great for any child that has ever had an imaginary friend. I would love to see them offer it preferable on DVD but VHS would be nice. During the 80's Disney came out Sunday night movies for parents to watch with their kids, This was one of many. I wish they would offer more of these movies on DVD for those of us who spent many happy hrs with there family watching decent shows with their family. Maybe if enough of us request them they will.
hadjipanayi My sister and I had a copy of this on video tape when we were little and used to watch it all the time. We have no idea where it is now and would love to get hold of another copy! Please let me know if you manage to find a copy of this as I would really appreciate it - as well as everyone else on this page! I have even tried emailing Disney and also asking someone I know who works for them, but with no luck! It's such a lovely little magical film - it's the kind that makes you feel good and all nostalgic, and also (from what I can remember!), will make you shout along with the little kid - FUZZBUKEEEEEEETTTT!!!... - at the end!
shesdetermined24 This movie is the best childhood memory that I have... it is so cute and funny. I highly recommend this for any family.It was about a little boy and his invisiable friend fuzz bucket that lived in his tree house and no one could see him but the little boy. Any child would love to have this movie it differently opens the imagantion of a child. It is one of the best 80's children movies out. I would really like to see it again I remembered it a few years ago and no one could help me find it or even knew what I was talking about so If anyone out there knows where you can get this movie at please I would love to get it. Thank you very much for any information anyone out there can give to me about this movie.