Full Moon in Blue Water
Full Moon in Blue Water
R | 23 November 1988 (USA)
Full Moon in Blue Water Trailers

Floyd, the owner of a bar on the Texas coast, has been depressed for a year after his wife disappeared in a swimming accident. He lives with his senile father-in-law "The General" and is helped by Jimmy, a former asylum inmate, and the good-natured Louise. The bar is rapidly losing money and Charlie wants to buy it cheaply before it becomes publicly known that a nearby bridge is to be built. Louise offers her savings to go into partnership with Floyd, but Floyd decides to sell when he is forced to pay his back taxes.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
moonspinner55 Dreadful. Any film that contains a sequence (usually 'poignant') of a character (typically a middle-aged man) watching home movies of happier days is a picture that shamelessly courts clichés. "Full Moon in Bright Water" begins with such a scene--before we even know who the characters are or what the circumstance is (I was more curious who was shooting the home movies while Gene Hackman and his wife frolic on the lake). Widower Hackman, grieving his wife's not-recent death by drowning, runs a tired old lakefront bar on the Texas coast; the county commissioner is trying to frighten him into selling the property for the prime real estate value (Hackman doesn't know he's sitting on a goldmine--the script is that stupid). Director Peter Masterson keeps the nitwit story rolling along, but somewhere late in the second reel I felt he and the cast had nothing more to offer. Elias Koteas as a not-too-bright bar-employee nearly shows up the heavyweight stars (Hackman, Teri Garr and Burgess Meredith), but his role is made impossible by a ridiculous turn of events. The action is kept very busy, yet the characters never take shape and some of the dialogue is really ugly. Garr made a lot of bad film choices after her Oscar-nominated turn in "Tootsie", but what drew Hackman to such a thin, innocuous project? *1/2 from ****
Eddie_weinbauer Gene Hackman plays a middle aged bar owner, whose wives gone missing and is presumed dead.But he refuses to accept that,so he lays in bed all day, ignoring the world around him.While watching old home movies of him and he's wife. I guess they want you to feel sorry for him,laying there while everything fall to pieces around him. But I just found him pathetic.He let down the people around him, while he lays in bed feeling sorry for himself. There are some subplots about a bridge getting built.But they never really explore that. The sad part is,that could have made the movie more interesting. But alas no,they continue with the boring gene hackman feeling sorry for him self story
ronfwatts Maybe I'm just a sucker for white sands and blue water, even more of a sucker for sweet stories, but I loved this movie. Yes, I could get critical, but then I could be critical about just about every movie I've ever seen. Bottom line is, I loved this movie, I like Terri Garr, I like Gene Hackman, and I found nothing bad about this movie. I like romantic movies, and this was certainly that. Gene made a believable everyman buried in sadness about the loss of his wife, while Terri was her usual professional self, playing a woman in love with him but unable to break through his shell. Burgess Meridith, during his life, made a career out of playing crusty characters, and this one was no exception. I only tried this film an someone else's recommendation, and it turned out to be a good one.
RARubin Lately I've been on a Gene Hackman 1980's kick. Hoosiers, many folks think is the best portrayal of a sports coach, maybe the best sports film ever made. Twice in a Lifetime is a middle-aged love story of betrayal in a blue-collar family and it ranks up there as the best of Hackman's work. Then there is a less successful film, Full Moon in Blue Water.No one in the movies in the last thirty years portrays the middle-age everyman, the tough, and hard working, Joe like Hackman. He's certainly not a romantic idol, but he is manly enough to woe Ann Margaret in Once in a Lifetime and Teri Garr in Water. In addition, Garr is very good as a faded honky-tonk town girl with widower, Hackman in her sights. The trouble, Hack is still in love with his missing spouse. He spends most of his days watching old home movies of the lost wife while his saloon business goes to pieces. Also, he must deal with a stroke victim, the father-in-law, Burgesss Meredith, the quintessential old coot.Somehow the viewer will not believe that a capable character like Hack would let a business go to sleazy Real Estate snakes without a bar brawl. The idea that Hack would moon about the ex for a year while busty Garr is all over him; well, it doesn't add up.
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