Full Impact
Full Impact
| 27 November 1997 (USA)
Full Impact Trailers

A former cop who has become a professional bounty hunter tracks a serial killer who kills with his bare hands. When the killer learns that he is being tracked he starts tracking his hunter leading to the invariable martial arts showdown.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
StunnaKrypto Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
temporarypeace Horrible movie, but quite funny too! Lots of crummy fights, stupid dialog, topless chicks, and a boring story too! It's another one of those so-bad-its-good films, which I always love. But after reading some of the comments on here, I should explain something.I first watched this film dubbed as American Streetfighter 2 like most of you seemed to have. It was the bonus movie on the other side of the DVD of the first American Streetfighter film. Well if you watch American Streetfighter 2, you'll not only notice it's horribly edited, but it seems to be missing numerous scenes, makes little sense, and has nothing to do with the first film. This is because this is actually the movie "Full Impact" ripped apart with crappy added flashback scenes from the first movie, and called American Streetfighter 2. The problem is that Full Impact was never meant to be a sequel to American Streetfighter. Sure it has some of the same cast, but they're completely different characters and this is a totally new story. Why they did this is beyond me...maybe the thought the movie would do better labeled as a sequel?Do yourself a favor, go out and buy the actual DVD labeled Full Impact. It's the complete movie with all the correct scenes in place, and without those horrible pointless flashback scenes from American Streetfigher 1. Not to mention the picture quality is much improved. So if you've only seen this as American Streetfighter 2, don't judge this movie yet. See Full Impact, then you'll see the complete film that actually makes sense!
rikpet My friend went out to the moviestore to rent a video tape. We wanted to see a fighting movie whit Juan-Claude van Damme. On the front of the moviebox was a picture of van Damme.BUT THE MOVIE SUXS! He wasn´t in it! The movie was awful! My friend went out and drive moped cuz he was so bored!So don´t see it!/Gang in Sweden, BURN!
magilvilla This movie is worthless. You can tell it is a unfinished movie. So they added lots of nudity and flashbacks from American Streetfighter 1 to make it a full length movie. But even with all the added on stuff, it still only runs 72 minutes long. It has nothing to do with the original American Streetfighter, which was a good movie. Not even hardcore Gary Daniels fans should waste their time.
William Unlike the first film, Daniels play a cop who is trying to track down a killer who is haunting him for two years. He is on the edge and so is the film for it has a miserable sound quality and photography! The film shows flashback of the first film, even though Daniels is playing a different character, and some of the cast from the first film is playing different role. The film also runs like a unfinished film, and looks like it was patch together to cash in on Daniels recent fame on home video and overseas market.