Full Frontal
Full Frontal
R | 02 August 2002 (USA)
Full Frontal Trailers

A day in the life of a group of men and women in Hollywood, in the hours leading up to a friend's birthday party.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
mosleh-1 I am not sure what the director was thinking.... Was was his objective and I even thought this was pieces of a movie that never made it to the theater. I just bought the DVD for 10 cents, so, I am not worried about my money, but I am upset for the time that I took to choose and then to watch it. I should have known better from the start that the movie is going nowhere! I suggest everyone who reads this never, never try watching this movie. I have to agree with some of the critics..... This is the worst movie..... I mean the worst movie I have ever watched. What a waste of cast.... So many good people in this movie, and what were they thinking.... As the movie mentions.... Is it just about money.... But this is even a low budget movie.... So I don't get it...
clintoncombined The explanation for this and Solaris maybe that the director was contractually obliged to make those 2 before leaving. Brad Pitt sole appearance is as he walks down a street in one scene and that is all he does. Almost the whole audience in the cinema screen I was in walked out. The same happened in the George Clooney film Solaris and Dancing at the Blue Iguana in which the cast seem to be trying to improvise lines whilst under the influence of semi sedation. Is a hodge podge which I have almost successfully blocked from my mind. Even if you are on a desert island and a passing native offers you the chance to watch this film in his solar power raft and you haven't watched films for 10 years. Do not watch this. It will make the effort of sustaining your life hunting and fishing seem worthless.
rixxxhbk I heard Full Frontal was great. However, I also heard horrible accounts. The only solution left was to view it myself.I wasn't quite sure what to expect and the film leaves you feeling ... well, nothing in particular. Full Frontal's effect (if there is a desired effect) was lost upon me.However, the film can be viewed as an interesting search for truth or the reality of Hollywood. The lines between the cosmetic and authenticity, as in real life, are blurred. Even when you (as a moviegoer and fan) think you know a character, actor, person, screenwriter Coleman Hough reveals the rose-colored lens. Through the intertextual narrative of the film, one can view the absurdity of our celebrity-obsessed culture. Some may interpret the film's stylistic features as condescending or pretentious - which is a valid argument. However, I think the intended effect was to be a self-reflective caricature. Some of the film's features such as the name game and the roles played by Julia Roberts and Brad Pitt reflect the self-parody of the film. Furthermore, the ending, along with the Underwood/Roberts subplot, reveal the nature of Hough's parody. It just seems to have gotten lost in its direction.Nicky Katt and Catherine Keener give great performances as always. David Hyde Pierce is desperately trying to stop audiences from exclaiming, "Hey, that's the guy from Frasier" but to no avail. Pierce's delivery and mannerisms are too reminiscent of Niles for the audience to consider him as Carl. And Mary McCormack does a great supporting role, unfortunately, the bare bones story leaves the audience awaiting something that is not coming.Overall, this is a film worth viewing. Maybe twice...if you can stomach its lack of direction.
shaffe17 Don't watch this movie for Brad Pitt, he's only in there for a minute.There really isn't a plot and the character roles change. This film is more about looking at the way a movie is made and having fun while doing it.It's too bad it's not really fun for the rest of us. This movie will ruin your Friday if you bring it home from Blockbuster!!!Here's a wise suggestion: if you want to see any of these actors at their best, watch what they're famous for. You'll be better off watching reruns of Fraiser, Fightclub, X-files, etc.Did you know comments require 10 lines of text? Neither did I. That's why this line is here. And those lines up there, hold real information.