| 21 April 2005 (USA)
Frozen Trailers

It's two years since the mysterious disappearance of Kath Swarbrick's older sister Annie, but Kath remains haunted by a need to know what happened. When police investigations wind down, Kath continues the search herself. She gets nowhere until she steals some CCTV footage of her sister on her final day. Visiting the spot where Annie was filmed, Kath becomes convinced she has found a portal to another reality and from this portal Kath is trying to say something.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
robinakaaly or, a funny (peculiar) thing happened in Fleetwood. A woman's sister disappeared several years ago. The police have given up searching for her, but the woman, who works as a fish gutter, feels there must be an answer somewhere. She acquires CCTV footage of her sister's last moments which appear to support her hunch. Meanwhile, her obsession has taken her to a local vicar-cum-psychotherapist who improperly gets the hots for her. Having successfully fought off a drunken friend, and seen her sister being paddled across the Styx by Chaeron, actually a hallucination on the Wyre, she realises that CCTV operator at the docks what dunnit. Sadly she too ends up in the bottom of the dock. Weird but passably done.
Tweekums Up until a few days ago I hadn't heard of this film but when I saw it listed in the television guide and read that the always excellent Shirley Henderson was in it I decided to give it a go. I'm glad that I did as it was pretty good.Shirley Henderson plays Kath a woman who can't get over the disappearance of her sister two years before. She is convinced that somebody has done something to her but the police have no evidence to suggest foul play. The only real clue is CCTV footage which shows her entering an alleyway but doesn't show her leaving. Kath is helped by the CCTV operator who lets her review the tapes and by her Counsellor who she discusses her problems with. I won't say anything about the ending as I wouldn't want to spoil it for first time viewers.The film is fairly bleak, both in the subject matter and the way it is filmed, there was a constant sense of isolation and cold. As I'd expected Shirley Henderson did a great job in the leading role, the supporting cast also put in good performances, I especially liked Roshan Seth as her counsellor. While I did enjoy the film I felt it looked more like a superior television production rather that a cinematic production intended for the big screen, not that that is necessarily a bad thing, it makes a nice change to see a thriller with no guns in sight let alone the explosions that seem de rigueur these days. If you get a chance to watch this fine film I'd certainly take it.
dean thacker After watching the trailers and reading the plot summary, i was bitterly disappointed when i finally got to purchase this film on DVD (aug 2006).It starts off well but never really goes anywhere> There are a few good comedy moments and the scenery is breath taking but not enough to make me want to watch it again. I was expecting as implied in the trailer and plot outline a science/fiction fantasy type film. Then it turns out to be your usual who dunnit murder mystery. The film really captures that typically British (nothern) black humour/despair in a very gritty way. The characters are very believable You would think with all these good elements it would make a very good film but unfortunately its general lack of pace lets it down. you are always expecting something exciting to happen but it never really does if it had been shorted by 20 minutes it might just have worked.
ohtheknives I recently saw 'Frozen' at the 2005 RiverRun International Film Festival, and I must say I enjoyed it. However, I don't think it's a film you'll watch over and over again... explanation: The basic synopsis of 'Frozen' is a girl, Kath, is curious about what happened to her sister, Annie. Is she alive? Dead? Living a new life? When Kath finds some evidence showing Annie the day she went missing, she becomes almost obsessed with finding her. It's not the most original plot you've ever heard of, but it is pulled off very well for what it is.Along Kath's "journey," you'll meet a few central characters, though after all is said and done, I find some of the characters --or more importantly, the one emphasized most (a therapist/priest character)-- has little to no real relation or development to the plot and could've been done without or built upon in many areas. Though the acting is convincing throughout, it's because of this that some of the exchanges can feel as if they're unnatural or dragging (even at a 90min. runtime.) What the previously mentioned slacks on, 'Frozen' more than makes up for with visuals and sound. The film uses lots of blues and dark greens, which give it a very cold feeling. This pulls you in to relate to the character, who describes herself multiple times as feeling "frozen." The camera work itself is good as well, with some very good shots scattered about. The sound is equally cold as the visuals. There's not much use of music here, which further helps with the feeling of isolation.Overall, the movie is nothing amazing, but even considering the flaws, 'Frozen' is a very good and interesting watch in the thriller category (especially considering what's been passing as "thrillers" lately.)