From Corleone to Brooklyn
From Corleone to Brooklyn
| 13 April 1979 (USA)
From Corleone to Brooklyn Trailers

Maurizio Merli takes up a familiar role as Commissioner Berni; a cop who puts his life on the line to transport a witness from Corleone to New York City in order to testify against a mob boss on trial for murder. Along the way, Berni and his prisoner face a series of traps set up by the Mafia.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
adrianswingler At this writing the masses are rating it 6.6/10, which is just too low. 80% of those that took the time to write a review are giving it 8/10. That's more like it.I'm glad that it ended when it did. Da Brooklyn a Corleone would make a nice sequel, but not all in one movie!There's not a lot you can say in a review of this particular movie without a spoiler cropping up, so I guess I could say in that regard that it's extremely plot-driven. The characters are drawn in a much more believable way than the current crop of mafia orientated movies that suffer from way too much badda-bingness. I can't find a subtitles file for this anywhere, so I had to watch in English, which was OK for the Brooklyn scenes. If I ever get my hands on one, I would LOVE to create a version of this movie where the scenes in Sicily are done in Italian with English subtitles, and the scenes in Brooklyn are done in English. The script actually lends itself to that, with one of the locals in NY asking what a particular word is in Italian. That has to be in English, but the scenes in Sicily obviously weren't. Of course the elephant in the room is that real Sicilian wouldn't sound much like standard Italian, but, hey, close enough. That would be a truly awesome improvement to what is already a really solid flick. If someone PM's me with a subtitle file, I will share the result. I promise, it will be awesome. Well, it is already. My copy already has English/Italian sound tracks, so the project is very doable.
The_Void Umberto Lenzi made some of the best Italian crime thrillers of the seventies. Unfortunately, however, this late entry doesn't rank up alongside his best efforts; but even so, From Corleone to Brooklyn is a breezy and entertaining little thriller that is sure to be appreciated by fans of this genre. The film that had the biggest influence on the Eurocrime genre is most definitely Don Siegal's masterpiece Dirty Harry; but the genre went on to take in elements from many different films; and it would seem that the main influence for this film is the 1977 Clint Eastwood thriller 'The Gauntlet'. As usual, the plot focuses on organised crime in Italy. Maurizio Merli takes up a familiar role as Commissioner Berni (no relation to the better known Commissioner Betti, I think); a cop who puts his life on the line to transport a witness from Corleone to New York City in order to testify against a mob boss on trial for murder. Along the way, Berni and his prisoner face a series of traps set up by the Mafia.Maurizio Merli may be more than a little bit one-note; but he plays that one note so well that it's difficult to complain. He really does sleepwalk through the film; but it doesn't matter too much because this is still a very entertaining performance from the Eurocrime veteran. Merli is joined by the distinctive Biagio Pelligra and the pair has good chemistry together as they make the perilous journey from Italy to the USA. At just under ninety minutes; the film does feel rather short, however, and I have to say that it's the pacing that really lets it down. The build up to the central plot takes rather a long time and becomes a little tedious. Once we get into the main plot, things start to become a bit more exciting; but most of the film focuses on Italy, and by the time we get to the USA; there's not a great deal of time left. Still, the film is populated with gun fights and car chases and it never gets boring long enough to become really dull. The ending is rather good and there's a nice little sting in the tail. Overall, I wouldn't quite class this film as a 'must see', but it's certainly worth a look and Eurocrime fans will want to track it down.
django-1 FROM CORLEONE TO BROOKLYN is an exciting late 70s Italian crime film starring the dynamic and handsome Maurizio Merli as an Italian cop who is trying to find a killer who is mob-connected and who eventually has to bring a witness to the United States to testify against the suspect in order for the suspect to be extradited back to Italy. Written and directed by Umberto Lenzi, who directed any number of excellent police films in the 70s (and four great vehicles for Carroll Baker in the late 60s/early 70s), the film moves at a brisk pace and because Mafia killers are after Merli and his witness, the viewer never knows when they will next be attacked or by what method. The pulsating, police-funk score gives this the classic "sound" of a 70s euro-crime film, and the fatalistic ending is something one would rarely see in an American film. Van Johnson, as the New York police lieutenant who works with Merli, does a fine job of barking orders at underlings and projects a genuine concern for Merli's task and situation. I'm still not sure if Mr. Johnson did his own dubbing on this film, but had a cold and was not well-recorded, or whether someone was doing a Van Johnson imitation--after all, Johnson is an EASY to identify actor with distinctive phrasing and accent. A mimic could listen to the soundtrack of one of his films and do a decent impression. In any event, this would rank among the top third of 70s Italian crime films that I have seen. Also, much of the location shooting is in New York and is shot when there is snow on the ground, so the atmosphere is important in the film Recommended to fans of this genre of film, FROM CORLEONE TO BROOKLYN is an example from the "golden age" of Euro-crime films.
sangue From Corleone To Brookln is one of Umberto Lenzi's best crime films, which is saying lot because he directed many classics in the genre.Maurizio Merli plays Berni, the usual P.O. cop, and here he has to escort a lowlife criminal (Biagio Pellegra) from Italy to New York so he can testify against a mafia head.the mafia have set up a series of traps along the way, making things a bit difficult for the times very suspenseful, action packed and helped along by one of composer Franco Micalizzi's best scores, From Corleone To Brooklyn gets my highest recommendation.sadly, this would be the last "real" crime film Lenzi would make, but at least he went out with a bang!