| 09 September 1981 (USA)
Frightmare Trailers

Drama students decide to pay tribute to their favorite horror star by stealing his body from his crypt for a farewell party. They fail to realize their violation of the tomb has triggered powerful black magic, and Conrad hasn't taken his final bows yet.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
richieandsam Aaaaahhh, the classic B-movie horror films of the 70's and 80's... they don't make them like that anymore.I had never heard of this film before my lovely lady bought it for me while she was away. Yesterday I decided to sit down and watch it... I loved it.Now it has everything you can expect from a cheesy B-movie horror: Cheap gore, Lots of murders, Topless women, Bad acting, Terrible effects.But the last 2 are not negative remarks... if the acting and the effects were good, it would not feel right.The film is about an old horror actor, which i believe was an imitation of Christopher Lee, that dies and has his grave made into a crypt where people can go and see his body and see video messages from him. Some teenagers decide to steal his body from the crypt to have a party with it, but little did they know that when they took the body some black magic happened thanks to his widow and he comes back to life to take revenge on his kidnappers...It is a great film... and it even has a young Jeffrey Combs in. He made this 2 years before he made Re-Animator. The only other face I recognised in this film was Scott Thomson. And I mainly know him for playing Chad Copeland in a couple of the Police Academy movies.I will give this film 7 out of 10.A really entertaining film which is comedy gold.For more of my reviews, please like my Facebook page: Reviews/456572047728204?ref=hl
lost-in-limbo Not to be confused with Peter Walker's 1974 British shocker of the same title, the early 80s "Frightmare" was a cheesy low-budget supernatural slasher made the more interesting for it having Jeffrey Combs taking on his first main role. Other than that it was an unmemorable drawn-out fare, which sadly had a fun macabre premise which had shades of "Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things", "The House of Seven Corpses", "Theatre of Death" and "One Dark Night" but the execution while proficient was stodgily drab with little imagination. Although some atmosphere did find its way in, especially with the fog machine getting a good workout within its shadowy foundation. After the death of a legendary horror actor, a group of film students steal his corpse from the crypt and go about fooling around with it within the house where the actor had made some of his best pictures. However they didn't count on the actor's corpse coming back to life to exact revenge on them. Ferdy Mayne's histrionically high maintenance turns as horror icon Conrad Radzoff is full of Grand Guignol as he comes back as a vengeful corpse reliving his glory horror days. In murderous impulses, he starts getting migraines (well that's what it looks like)… actually he's using mind control as he goes knocking off the obnoxiously detestable bunch of characters which featured the likes of Scott Thompson, Luca Bercovici and Nita Talbot as the actor's selfish wife. These were a rowdy bunch you cheered, when they succumb to their grisly fate. Of the lot, Bercovivi and Comb's deaths were the picks. The offbeat script (namely with those live interactive moments) is disjointed and gets a bit repetitive, but it had an amusingly diabolical sense of humour to go along with its cheap jolts and crazy low-rent special effects. A silly, slipshod b-horror movie."Let's call it a wrap".
ozthegreatat42330 Alright, I will be the very first to say that this is not a great film, but then ninety-nine percent of the horror films made are pure garbage. This one rises a little better than that. Ferdy Mayne (of Roman Polanski's "Dance of th Vampires") Is well suited to the vainglorious, aging horror star, determined to control things even after death. He manages to get his revenge from beyond the grave, against some college film students who have failed to respect his final remains, stealing his body from his mausoleum to have a party in his honor. Some of the acting is less than memorable, but there are true chills if you set out to watch this one in a dark room, all alone, after midnight. It is at least a middle of the road horror classic.
Scarecrow-88 Conrad Radzoff(Ferdy Mayne), a hammy cult icon, dies from a heart ailment(not before disposing of an ungrateful assistant and TV commercial director, both of whom disrespected him with showers of insults). His body is removed from his mausoleum by some film students(they wish to "invite him to dinner"..they are quite big fans). What these kids(..including a young Jeffrey Combs)don't expect is that Radzoff will be resurrected by a medium to wreak havoc on those who removed him from his place of rest.The list of violent acts include Radzoff pulling one guy's tongue out, setting a woman on fire, elevating a casket which crushes a woman's face, decapitates one fellow, and cremates another guy alive in a coffin. A really weird soundtrack and pesky fog wraps around Radzoff's ghoulish activities.Silly hokum from Troma is limited by a very, very low budget and slowwwwww pace. The film feels a lot longer than it is. The film isn't really that gory and we can hardly see much violence because the film is often too damn dark. At times, Radzoff is an ominous presence, yet at other times he just looks real silly.
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