Freeze Frame
Freeze Frame
R | 01 May 2004 (USA)
Freeze Frame Trailers

Sean Veil is an ultra paranoid murder suspect who takes to filming himself round the clock to provide an alibi, just in case he's ever accused of another crime. Problems arise however when the police do come calling and the one tape that can prove his innocence has mysteriously disappeared.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
xredgarnetx Irish-shot FREEZE FRAME stars the goofy, jug-eared guy from FIFTH ELEMENT and THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY as a paranoid murder suspect who constantly videotapes himself to prove his whereabouts. A TB-stricken detective has in it for him after the guy gets off on a triple-murder charge. Someone else appears to be shadowing the poor guy and possibly breaking into his home to steal some of his tapes. And a strikingly beautiful woman is after him for other reasons. The ending comes as a shocker of sorts, although it all feels a bit contrived. The film is shot mostly in muted colors or no colors at all, and the suspect wanders about with his head end eyebrows shaved and a videocamera attached to his torso. While this Kafka-esquire film is listed as running 99 minutes, after while it begins to seem more like 199 minutes. Not much honestly happens until the end. A truly erotic "rape" scene near the end perks things up a bit. For indie film fans only.
fedor8 Utterly absurd thriller, though original in some ways. From the beginning I knew that the cop and/or the shrink were in some way hiding something and I was right. It turned out to be a pretty shaky motive for hiding the identity of the killer. And how about the killer's daughter going on a bit of a rampage herself – and that first murder (manslaughter) of hers! Oh, sorry, I just shoved you a bit and now you're dead! Well, that's a bit of jolly bad luck, old sport, ey? I've seen dumber thriller, far dumber actually, so this one doesn't even rate as being THAT silly on a silliness scale for thrillers. Still, the film isn't dull, although a bit slow here and there.
Jackson Booth-Millard Dropping his genius active stand-up comic and rubber-face image, Lee Evans in a serious role is pretty good. Basically Sean Veil (Evans) was almost convicted by a near murder, and he tapes himself 24-7 to make sure he has an alibi if he is found suspected, or guilty. Along the way he comes across many people trying to get into his mind and understand him, including Forensic Profiler Saul Seger (Ace Ventura 2's Ian McNeice) who believes he knows him more than he knows himself. Also trying to find his guilt or innocence are Detective Louis Emeric (Sean McGinley), who is dying from coughing up blood, and Colin Salmon as Detective Mountjoy, who is just going with the flow. There are people that may believe his innocence though, including Katie Carter (Rachael Stirling), who is the murder victims' sister! Anyway, whatever happens to him, he has all the filmed evidence to help him prove his innocence. A creepy story from a first-time director, with paranoia and a disturbing bald Evans. Good!
24540647 Firstly, I have to say Lee Evans is without doubt stunning in this film. We can only hope that he gets further meaty roles on the back of this performance.A triple murder suspect has his case thrown out of court due to police incompetence. Vowing his innocence, he becomes a paranoid who tapes himself "24/7/52" and keeps the tapes in a special vault. Just before the 10th anniversary of the murders, he is again arrested on suspicion of murder, and when he tries to produce the relevant tapes they are missing.The only downside to this superbly edited, visually stunning film is the lack of suspects as there are only half a dozen characters throughout. Other than that, it's well worth watching. Unlike most people here, I even enjoyed the ending (especially Evans last words!)
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