FPS: First Person Shooter
FPS: First Person Shooter
| 01 August 2015 (USA)
FPS: First Person Shooter Trailers

Your pregnant wife Linda has been captured by a ruthless scientist, who created a devastating virus. To rescue her, you have to fight through the old rotten experimental clinic, armed to the teeth, one level after another right through the dark, decayed guts of this evil complex. unfortunately you don't have much time, at dawn, the whole area will be eradicated.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
mavoro I liked all the old Games a lot, this movie had a lot of references i liked. The German voice of the main character was appealing. It was much like a small System Shock. The Camera work was nice and well done, i liked every bit of it, not a bad B-Movie, compared to Boll this is genius production. It keeps all the promises it makes, and really, i was very entertained. The old hospital was a great location which was very well modified to resemble a apocalyptic scenario. Compliment to Mask, Camera Man, Editor and Production Crew who made a very well movie out of a tight budged. For fans of old games and fans of zombie movies only the combination of both will enjoy this greatly, but i did and therefore i should give 7/10.
Reza H. O. (newleon) I never thought I could keep watching this movie. But after 10 minutes I wanted to see what will happen at the end. It reminded me many scenes from the old indie FPS games specially Blood (1997). Blood was my favorite game along with Quake 1 and 2 and Doom series and that amazing Wolfenstein 3D (1992). It was a cheap movie but worth to watch. The filming location was creepy as hell and the ending was unpredictable at-least to me. The guy's voice also was also very similar to the Blood's one. If you like to be reminded about the old good times you were playing these games it is a good movie to watch. I am expecting to see more from the creator. He definitely showed some talents making this movie.
Paul Clarke I started watching this film, I managed to survive 15 minutes before I realised I could never get this time back.To say this Movie is absolutely dreadful is to understate it.Looks like it was shot on an iPhone by people with nothing else to do. The plot and storyline obviously borrowed from a mix of early First Person shooter and mixed with an appalling zombie scenario.The acting as particularly bad and the "Special" effects could have been done better using any of the free apps for your smart phone.If you have 80 minutes to waste, go play a game of rugby and leave this alone.While I understand that directors have to start somewhere, this is certainly not the place. I have seen better videos from 13 year olds as part of a school project.
Flow I had no idea what to expect from a movie called First Person Shooter, so I went in with no expectation, simply waiting to see a cheap movie and nothing more.Was it cheap? Yep. Was it bad? Well, define bad. The camera work was quite good for what it meant to be, the lines, most of them, borrowed from other movies, but used properly. Had a gag there. The story? Typical zombie flick. The intro of the movie, laughed out loud, the rest, exactly like an old school horror game that maybe, moves too slowly sometimes.Many good references to other movies and games, will put a smile on your face for sure, of course, not as a horror movie but as a indie little project that worked alright in the end. It really did act like a game, considering this is what it aimed for, I think it managed to hit the mark.Thus, First Person Shooter is simply a project, a beginning for someone's career and from this alone, my opinion is that we could expect great things.Cheers!