R | 02 March 2018 (USA)
Foxtrot Trailers

A troubled family must face facts when tragedy strikes their son's desolate military post.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
e-70733 The film is unique in that it creates emotional stress by constructing a sense of space. The comical backtracking at the end is a genius. In contrast, some dialogues are somewhat lengthy. The integration between the fatalistic theme and poetic photography failed to be tuned to the best. Therefore, when many of the seemingly idle (not actually) shots are already stunning enough, the film's over-construction in the play seems to be somewhat slightly redundant.
newjersian This movie touches an important issue and the idea was very promising. However Foxtrot is so slow, so boring that after 10 minutes of watching I almost fell asleep. What the makers of Foxtrot wanted to tell us? That a group of Israeli young zombies is fighting unnessesary war with an unknown enemy? This is an absolutely false suggestion. The war is not defined by Israelis and their enemy is very well known. The story with buried Arab car and an attempt by Israeli commander to cover it up is absolutely implausable. Never happened and couldn't happen. Three Arabs are killed and nobody is going to investigate it? That's a pure propagandistic drivel. Not worth to watch. It's an artistic failure of an international team.
bastille-852-731547 This highly acclaimed drama from Israel is a thoughtful and deep reflection on how we perceive of the scars that grief and guilt can leave on us. The film follows a patriarch and his wife who are told at the beginning of the film by Israeli army officers that their son was killed in the line of duty. These two parents begin to embark on a seemingly hellish grieving process...for the first 30 minutes. I won't give away what happens next, but the film ends up taking a variety of unique twists and turns through three distinct parts similar to that of a triptych-style narrative. It's not quite what you think it is, that's for sure.The acting in the film is consistently excellent, particularly the performance of the father. He manages to engage the audience in his seething feelings of sadness and an almost-primal sensation of rage, while still feeling uniquely down-to-earth and relatable. This is an almost impossible trick to pull off. Samuel Maoz clearly knows how to write thoughtful analysis of the society and people of Israel, with a clockwork level of precision--and props to him for that. The pacing in the film's three acts, however, could have been improved and can feel somewhat erratic in the movie's second half. Additionally, the finale of the movie is done in a somewhat peculiar manner that falls a bit short of what would most satisfy the viewer in terms of wrapping up the story. Still, I definitely recommend "Foxtrot" to those interested and thought this was quite a well-made film at the end of the day. 7.5/10
yakovsig It's not that it's bad, it's that it never could have been good. It's an irredeemable disaster from start to finish, an adventure that entertains only via glimpses of the adventure it should have been,A simplistic political allegory, a cliché script, and a lot of money from Europe,The local critics will probably be praised, the Academy members will award prizes, and the spectators wont show up to watch this one. It is amazing how Israelis react violently to the political criticism of those behind Israel's investment, and are totally impervious to the political agenda of the European parties that invest the money. The emotional and moral complexity of Israelis, as human individuals and as figures with an Israeli identity, the complex political reality of the Middle East, the unique truth in detail - are all rejected, discarded and actually erased for a simplistic, crude depiction of political allegory. Metaphor or allegory, where has the penetrating gaze gone, where is the complexity of life, where is the empathy?