Four Horsemen
Four Horsemen
| 14 March 2012 (USA)
Four Horsemen Trailers

Documentary about the modern apocalypse caused by a rapacious banking system. 23 leading thinkers – frustrated at the failure of their respective disciplines – break their silence to explain how the world really works.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
kelly-venner FOUR HORSEMEN is an interesting documentary, well worth a watch for most.. As reviewers have mentioned, yes, it does try to cover a few too many topics in just over 90 minutes. But for the average person, a lot of the longer, more conspiratorial, more biased 'world order' YouTube documentaries are far too long and convoluted.Stylistically, it won some plus points with me for the smooth, easy to understand narration, but lost some for, as others have said, the slight lack of cohesion between sections, points and arguments.One last downside - on reflection, although I enjoyed the upbeat tone of the conclusion in that 'all is not lost, we can actually change things', I agree with others that the solutions put forward are potentially not viable. That said, I think some reviewers denigrate it unfairly, a documentary is meant to document the truth and put forward observations, a narrative - the documentary makers (especially these who are not huge mainstream corporates) do not make the policy, and are not even influencing those who do, so I think it's acceptable for them to put forward suggestions, right or wrong, for the viewer to look into.FOR THE POSITIVES! Overall, this documentary should probably be, in part at least, viewed by 90% of western civilisation who are not in finance or government and have no idea that this is going on. Those of you watching this or planning on it probably already have an idea, but think of how many around you really believe what their politicians tell them - we all know plenty.Whether you agree with every opinion demonstrated or not, it's an eye-opening and worthy use of 90 minutes.
rpsabq This is a well done, top notch documentary on the problems of the world, specifically the American Culture. There have been other docs made as well equally as informative. However, like the others is just more about the problem. Ah Media, when you all realize how much power you have to influence, you will begin using that power for the betterment of us all. Spend time on the problem and you perpetuate that. Spend time on the solution and you perpetuate that. I challenge you, now, to spend just as much time if not more on a documentary showcasing the solution because right now we have way too much momentum going in the "woe is me" direction. Oh Media, you also must realize that YOU are The Solution. It is up to us only to continue to make you aware of that power, for you are after all, the Voice of the People. Until you realize and act on such power, all we can do is focus on the solution as it applies to our own small, tiny, individual universe. For I can only affect my life and my world, your life and your world are your responsibility. It's just the way its meant to be. Alas Media, we call you to step up and use your mighty strength for all that positive and good.
Tobig Tofail A really good and worthwhile documentary that scratches the surface and point out directions. It's all over the Internet by now so take your time and rewind and dig deeper on your own. The gold standard and abolishing of income taxes might be areas that can be further explained, and the terrorist section needs to take religious fanatism into account. It's most important message is that we all need to understand the current unsustainable economic system and collectively take responsibility and start the changes from beneath. And as a side note: I don't know what film user "rune-andresen" have seen, but it can't have been this one.
john5050 There's so much in 4 HORSEMEN. Yes it is talk-heavy, very densely- presented in places but it makes brilliant connections. It's like the big-idea documentaries by Adam Curtis. It's provocative and deliberately big picture. Some of the above crits feel petty in this regard, the point is to stay global.It's also gripping & urgent. It squares up to the biggest crisis we're facing and has much to say that is fresh.Surprisingly, it was also been made in the UK on a shoestring. Not that you could tell.HIGHLY, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!