Four Eyed Monsters
Four Eyed Monsters
PG-13 | 21 January 2005 (USA)
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Apathy, technology, paranoia, disease and medication. Meet Arin. Arin is a shy videographer who finds it too much to handle to go out and meet girls, so he sets up an account on The flood of responses never comes, save for one email from Susan, a struggling artist who finds her job as a waitress stifling her creativity. Susan is also on the shy side and is seeking an alternative to the classic dating situation. When Arin and Susan finally meet, that alternative dating situation comes to life as the two refuse to communicate verbally with each other, wanting to avoid bs small talk.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
quartking I managed to watch Fourteen minutes deep into this movie.First and foremost...I had a hard time distinguishing the ugly androgynous girl and boy.Just because you slap a bunch of Lousy video clips together does not make it art. Probably somebody out there has no taste and will like this garbage, and for whatever reason manage to watch it longer than I have.Taking a dump and eating a bagel was a lot more exciting than this movie.I don't know how this movie ended up in my stack of bootlegs.but..IT SUCKED HARD.
PatrickQRS Everybody has been one. No one likes to watch them. Those four eyed monsters, two people who are completely aware of each other and completely unaware of their surroundings. Four eyes, two mouths, two heads, four ears, four arms, four legs, two souls. When you see these four eyed monsters what comes to mind? Sometimes jealously, disgust, envy, longing, loneliness. Everybody has been one, No one likes to watch them.Four eyed monsters is no doubt a independent jewel. It is a movie that we all can relate with, we all have been there. A very unique look on relationships, and the love and companionship we all seek, fear, and love.This film is incredibly underrated. Every negative thing I have seen is that the ending makes no sense. It makes complete sense, this story is not over yet. The film is what kept them together, and it shows from the point when they meet, get into their unorthodox relationship, to the current. This is almost a documentary about their own relationship and making this film is obviously a major reason why they stayed together, they could not just end this film. This tells a tale, and the ending, the film making is part of the story. This film does not end, because their story does not end. It is what it is, and what it is, is beautiful.As far as composition, this film has a very unique style that can only be delivered by the independent film world. Four eyed monsters flowed exactly like their relationships, smooth at points, rough at points, sensual at some points, every scene was beautifully accentuated by the cinematography. The music as well fits perfectly, all of it by small time artists and fits perfectly. It sets a mood that only the passion of small time artists can, before the world of mainstream music has corrupted them.This is not a movie for mainstream eyes however. It takes a certain kind of viewer to really appreciate this film. You have to watch it with a different eye, that is open to a fresh look in film. I would recommend this for anyone to see, however if you do see it remember independent film is a different world. Once you can understand that you will understand this film and see the beauty that so many people see.Even if you did not enjoy this film, help these film makers out. This film has left them in incredible debt. Go to their website, , and do what they say because independent film is a tough business. It takes two seconds and is well worth it if it inspires them to put out more jewels like this.
earth-collapse Four Eyed Monsters follows the relationship of a shy, reclusive videographer and an equally estranged struggling artist, who, both living in the Big Apple, develop an unlikely romance with the help of an internet dating site. This in itself is not so unusual, but what is, is their method of communication. Foregoing the verbal, they take to writing notes and later communicating through video.The film is based upon the creator's (Arin Crumley & Susan Buice) own relationship, who besides writing and directing, take to acting as the lead characters as well. With elements of avant-garde, anti-plot, and docudrama, the film scatters itself to the wind with an undecided structure nestled neatly between narcissism and self-indulgence.As the movie wears on, a brief separation and deterioration of their once intriguing form of communication grow old as the couple face the hardship of reality. Focusing solely on inner conflict, or the woes of relationship, the film struggles through a stagnant narrative that is neither original, nor poignant. This could have been easily circumvented with the addition of subplot and external conflict, and a third act, to which there is none - just a montage of melodrama that leads nowhere.What is even more aggravating is the film's descent from story into reality that abruptly concludes with an open ended and unsatisfying finish. This would have been all fine and dandy, but there is no question asked and no meaning to be discovered or pondered.(On a side note, the film contains beautiful animation and a vivid and moving soundtrack, one of the more interesting aspects of the production.)But as always, watch the film and decide for yourself.
Brent Moore (bdm56) I recently saw Four Eyed Monsters at the South by Southwest Film Festival and out of the nearly 30 films I have seen at the fest I believe this to be the best.I was amazed at how emotionally honest this film was. It was able to really get to the core of human desire and its battle with reality in a way that few other films do (I'm sure the fact that the movie is extremely autobiographical helps in this matter).Arin Crumly and Susan Buice really need to be commended not only for their amazing job at writing an incredibly touching an honest story but for making a film that was very experimental without ever being pretentious. They mix their fictional story with real-life interviews, animation, different filming and editing techniques, and a bold and fantastic ending that could have been a disaster but instead adds a whole new layer to the movie and makes an already moving film that much more so.