The Belly of an Architect
The Belly of an Architect
R | 23 September 1987 (USA)
The Belly of an Architect Trailers

The American architect Kracklite arrives in Italy, supervising an exhibiton for a French architect, Boullée, famous for his oval structures. Tirelessly dedicated to the project, Kracklite's marriage quickly dissolves along with his health.

Bereamic Awesome Movie
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
paul2001sw-1 There are certain common elements to Peter Greenaway's films: striking images and music, archly stylised dialogue, and grotesque subject matters. 'The Belly of an Architect' is not perhaps his most celebrated film, but possibly it's my favourite. An American architect comes to Rome where he encounters Caspasian, a smooth Italian who plans to steal (in approximate order of beloved-ness) his money, wife, exhibition and (quite possibly) his life. Naturally, Greenaway is in his element filming in Rome; but in spite of his typically lack of naturalism, this is a film with real sincerity and heart. One could suggest the entire point of the film is that the wonderfully named Kracklite is entering (on coming to Rome) into Greenaway's world; and doing so to die alone amid the splendour. The final scene with the doctor is both magnificent and sad.
snake-plissken-1 Being a student of structural design with a burgeoning paunch, I was keen to view the contents of said title. I was more than a little dismayed by the distinct lack of instructional fitness. Though initially compelled by the sight of the protagonist's mid section, the massive divergence from an physical improvement within the plot left me wanting. I did gain an insight into the transformation of artistic endeavor into obsession and finally paranoia but quite frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. I can only hope that Russell Simmonds did not suffer the same fate as yours truly. Having said this, my expectations were perhaps slightly askew. Peter Greenaway may not hold the same principals as this tragic hero.
oOgiandujaOo_and_Eddy_Merckx It was a shock for me to discover having watched several of Peter Greenaway's films, and having loved many, that this for me, is easily his best from what I've seen. I will temper that by saying that I saw this in the cinema, and the cinema does wonders for many films. I find Greenaway's Baby of Macon, for example, has too much detail and visual complexity to be particularly accessible via home viewing. Greenaway has indeed been criticised for an overly painterly approach to detail in his films, which some deem not fit for a medium with a moving image. His long time collaborator cinematographer Sacha Vierny for example considered Prospero's Books a failure for the over-cluttering with visual detail that was cinematically indigestible.The late Sacha Vierny doesn't get talked about nearly enough, other than Belly and most of the famous Greenaway films, he shot Last Year in Marienbad for Resnais, as well as the majority of the famous pre-80s Resnais movies; The Three Crowns of the Sailor, amongst others for Ruiz; Bof Anatomie d'un Livreur for Faraldo, a marvellous though little seen film; Belle de Jour for Bunuel; La Femme Publique and others for Zulawski; as well as collaborations with Chris Marker, Maguerite Duras, and Sally Potter. The critical part he played in these great movies is rarely sung. As Vierny was not interested in fame and rarely gave interviews, how much direction he took and how much of his own artistry he plyed will forever remain an enigma. As with most of this work, The Belly of An Architect is a really great looking film.The story of this film is about an architect played by Brian Dennehy, called Stourley Kracklite, if you can believe such an indigestible name, hinting at gastric stagnancy and duodenal eructations. In consonancy with his name, he spends the movie plagued by sluggish prickly guts. Kracklite has always admired an obscure 18th century French architect called Étienne-Louis Boullée, a real-life architect who was famous more for his astonishing designs than for actual won commissions (this has often been a hazard for architects I believe). Make good use of the internet or your library and look up his magnificently insane design for Newton's tomb, which was never taken up, or his sprawling design for the Bibliothque Nationale. Due to his overreaching ambition he therefore ended up making mostly private homes, and there's only a handful of his built projects left in existence.So Kracklite has finished with making his own buildings, and spent the last ten years of his life planning an exhibition on Boullée to be held in Rome. There are a lot of typical Greenaway features here, obsession with food, cuckoldry, a battle between an older and younger man. Somehow Greenaway managed here to take his usual stuff beyond an academic game to a place where there is mythos, and poesy. Greenaway for me is a director with a deep feeling for lifecycle, he doesn't present children as small adults, or middle aged men as ephebes with jowls and paunches.For me it's a film about lifecycle and meaning, and homage to genius. I just adore it.
imxo Undoubtedly one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It was the cheapest DVD in the store, but it had all these blurbs on it about how gorgeous and artful it was, so I bought it. Who made this thing ...Bernie Madoff? Even though it appears to have been shown in occasional art houses around 1990, this film could very well have been a straight to DVD production (assuming that there even were DVDs in 1987 when it was made.) If not, it must have been a scam of some sort. Not even the lowest Italian swords and sandals flick could possibly plumb the movie-making depths as much as this movie.So, that's life. Barnes and Noble has my $5.00, the State of Texas has another 40 cents or so in taxes, and the garbage man has another crappy movie to add to his collection of garbage can DVDs.
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