Fort Dodge Stampede
Fort Dodge Stampede
| 24 August 1951 (USA)
Fort Dodge Stampede Trailers

The Pike gang steal $30,000 from the Adams Bank, but one of them double crosses the rest of the gang and hides the money in Fort Dodge, Nevada. As Fort Dodge is out of his jurisdiction, Deputy Sheriff 'Rocky' Lane (Allan Lane) takes a vacation there and finds that everything is owned by 'Skeeter' Davis (Chubby Johnson), who knows nothing about the hidden money. But the Pike gang is also in town looking for the money. When settlers come to town, Rocky devises a plan to catch the outlaws and retrieve the money for the Adams Bank

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
bkoganbing In a superior B western from Republic, Allan Lane plays a deputy sheriff who goes on a leave of absence out of his jurisdiction to round up a gang that did an unsolved bank robbery several years earlier. A dying declaration from one of the gang who doublecrossed his partners and hid the loot in a ghost town called Fort Dodge sends Lane on the trail.Of course when he gets to Fort Dodge Lane finds some of the gang already there led by Roy Barcroft. And Chubby Johnson who has bought up all the land that was abandoned for a song is also there. Barcroft is not the leader, the leader is one of a group of settlers that Johnson sold property to that come in later.This is one of the best of the Rocky Lane westerns I've seen so far. Definitely a must for any fan of B westerns.