"Foo Foo Dust" is a short-form documentary about a mother and son who both are drug addicts, and the unrelenting dysfunction in their symbiotic relationship. It's a hard film to watch, but anyone who does so will come away with an experience (most likely) unlike anything they've ever had. It's really a film about being human, about the compulsions that we engage in and the undeniable force that keeps us alive... and it's also breaks some assumptions about drug addiction and those who fall sway to it. The mother is a UC Berkeley educated woman, a child of the '60s, who is reduced to turning tricks to pay for her crack addiction, screaming incessantly for a cigarette lighter from her doting and forgiving son, himself a heroin junky.It's a film that lives somewhat beyond description. You have to see it.**Winner, Best Short-Form Documentary, Los Angeles Film Festival 2003**